Hey Guys (and gals if there are any here yet), Some familiar folks, and it looks like some new people. Cool. I think I've probably met many of you, but if I haven't, I'm Scott Siegel, formerly (but possibly again soon) the Performance Engineer at Subaru of Gwinnett. Anyway, one of the things I started doing was hosting small Driver Instruction Clinic's. The last one was 6 new STi driver's at Talladega Gran Prix. We had a blast. Some of the comments are available on my site and on nasioc.com. The next one is next Thursday August 26th. Right now it is an STi, 2 Evo 8's, a Cayenne Turbo and a 911 TT. There is room for one more High Powered AWD car, but that's not the only reason I'm posting. I didn't know if there would be interest here in some schools. We try to get 5-6 similar cars with drivers of similar road-course experience. The clinics are offered at Talldega Gran Prix www.tgprace.com For those that have not been there, this is one of the most fun, and more importantly, safest tracks in the southeast. It is classified as a motorcycle track, which means that there are no hard barriers to hit, just hundreds of feet of grass run-off. At this point we offer Stage I and a Stage II schools. Stage I is for people with limited on-track experience, Stage II is for those that have already had instruction on road courses, and have a significant amount of track time under their belts. Stage II will include Data Acquisition. I know it's not the cheapest track time for the money. It's not an "open-track day" it is an instructional school. We only take 5-6 drivers at a time, and only put 3 at a time "hot" on the track. This results in MORE than enough track time, most people have had enough by mid-afternoon, only the hardcore few continue running till the end, and they always feel that they got more than enough track time. The cost is $360-$400 each. We provide a notebook with the basics of high performance driving, including driving techniques and car setup, lunch and drinks. To get an idea of a basic schedule please check out: http://www.siegelracing.com/srdicsched.html Many of our previous clients found that it was easier to get a weekday off of work than to get a weekend day off from the family. Thursday's have often been good. If not, we can do a Saturday event. We are also considering hosting an "open-track day" it would be cheaper and might include some ride-along instructors, but would not be a personal school like these. If anybody here is interested, please call or e-mail me directly. Thanks,
i've been looking for something like this... unfortunately im gonna be very busy with school this semester hopefully you will still be doing this in the spring
Hopefully we will be doing this forever You at Tech too? '02 M.E. here, my wife got out in '01 I.E. Thanks,
Welcome to WRXatlanta; thank you for bringing your services and informing us all about such a unique and actually useful offer. All owners should know how to drive their cars, and well WRX owners...let me just say Subaru should include a couple classes somewhere to teach owners how to use their car to the full potential. As for myself, I have a STi with very limited instruction and funds allowing will be very interested in attending one of your classes. I am also a Tech student as you'll find most of us are. We're still int he process of inviting every WRX on campus I hope to see you at the meet this evening and as I said, funds allowing, hope to attend a class or two from you guys. Best of luck and once again welcome! Always please feel free to contact myself with your questions, comments and concerns.
yeah... i'm in tech too... graduated bachelors in ECE in '02... decided to stick around for grad school cuz i LOVE tech sooo much (right)
Soon I will be interested, but not for a few months, I currently work wayy too much to go out there. I have had the fun of running lil tally on the bike and enjoyed it throughly. How about a barber motorsports park school when it warms up next year?