show vs. Go...girls?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by 8urvtec, Jun 22, 2006.

  1. 8urvtec

    8urvtec Member

    Just wanted to get the opinion of some of you out there...what attracts them girls i know all yall it the speed of your car or is it how clean and bad ass it looks...

    lets find out some of ur opinions
  2. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    my gf was with me before the WRX, so I know she's not in it just for the car :keke:
  3. WrxCrazy

    WrxCrazy Active Member

    depends what kind of girls u want?
    if u want speed u need girls who know what ur car is all about or want to know
    if u want show then u will get all those brainless girls u want to sleep with later on simple.. me myself i'm both but ATM i'm speed no show :( long story
  4. Ummmm honestly i dont think its neither unless there into cars. unless it like a G35 or a car that is known for money. most girls ive meet didnt even know i drove a car and half the time i told them it was apinto and that i worked at burger king at night after they close changing oil. so i guess im no help but i dont think its the car i think its the person. Now highschool girls go for both.
  5. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    As a girl.... I like rubber.... wide sticky tires! And pink wheels. But really nothing about a guy's car would ever attract me, only maybe if he could beat my autox/track times.
  6. both and you can get any girl you want ;)
  7. jakeisajedi

    jakeisajedi Member

    Neither its if you can scare the hell out of them in your car and still make them feel safe while feeling/looking like a bad ass .And always play it cool.
  8. TheJ

    TheJ Supporting Member

    Large appendages.
  9. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    I like show and go most chicks at a car show are either stuck up models, or with their boyfriend unless they own a nice ride...then you meet her yall have the bomb time just to find out that....SHES GAY Dammit another friend.[end rant]

    So to sum it up It's all about the personality. Anything else and you commin out the pocket and your car will not see another mod till she leaves.
  10. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    great point!!!
  11. Sylver

    Sylver Member

    Well, I can't say that I've ever picked up a chick because of my car...but I can tell you that the first thing that catches my eye is actually the sound it makes - strange, I know. I love cars that seem to growl at you, and can't stand those that sound like angry bumblebees. :rolleyes:
  12. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    I find that my fake wood panel wagon attracts bitchez and hoes like mad, dawg.

    PS: I have to carry my gat to make sure I can fend off angry boyfriends when the ladiez congregate by my ride...


    Last edited: Jun 22, 2006
  13. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    LOL I like to to get them in the car and go to make them wet!
  14. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    hahahaha, dunno i met my girlfriend before i got my wrx, i had my volvo back then.
  15. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    I can't say that you'd want a girl that likes you because of a sweet car, but it doesn't hurt with grabbing their attention. I didn't have my wrx with my last long term. I had instead a 68 mustang fastback gt. Pretty much one of the most badass looking cars any 16 year old would dream of. She admitted to me about a year into our relationship that my car was one of the first things that caught her attention about me, well that and my gentle demeaner and dashing good looks.

    Now honestly, I love my wrx, it's great. Since I know what it's capable of I think it looks good too. But to the unkeen eye, it's really not that great looking of a car. If you want a car that will get a girl by show, you're better off with a bmw, mercedes, infiniti, audi, any big new suv, or a badass two door like a supra, rx7, classic mustang :), 350z... Back when I first got my 03, before you saw any on the roads of augusta georgia, my car got mistaken by many girls on numerous occasions for a kia or neon (ouch, I know).

    So basically, show car will get the girls' attention (my mustang was a ridiculously awesome chick magnet that I still wish I owned). It's when you get past that initial meeting and they hop in the car with you is when "go" will slay any thoughts of your car being a kia.

    So this is turning out to be very long and conviluted but I have one more story to you about "the one that got away."

    So I was leaving the library after doing a high school paper or something of the such. It was maybe a month after I got the rex. I very cute blonde is getting into her car next to me and tells me that she really likes me car. She proceeds to tell me how her dad races wrxs and even owns a rhd one. So now you forum members are thinking "let's get this straight, she's obviously at least somewhat intelligent because she was at the library, she liked wrxs before most girls had even seen one, and her dad is obviously the coolest dad did you make your move!?" And my answer to you, "I didn't." I had a girlfriend at the time. I didn't make a move because frankly I had an excellent relationship at the time. But damn, I would pay to go back in time and get her number now.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2006
  16. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    90% of the time show will get a girls attention. Most girls dont know anything about cars, more worried about clothes and what not.

    The worst part is most girls say "what is that?" when they look at a subaru bc they dont know what the heck it is.
  17. WrxCrazy

    WrxCrazy Active Member

    it's a subaru baby.. world's fastest Boxter 4 care to ride sweet cakes.. ;)
  18. Suby1128

    Suby1128 Member

    I'm pretty sure I don't know many girls that think my car is sexy. I've grabbed a few girls attention and had conversation starters when we are hanging out in a group, and they end up riding in my car to wherever we go. If we're all messing around driving a bit on the way somewhere, Just a lil extra gas when my friend in the RSX is feeling fast and voila.

    "How is this faster than an RSX?" :rofl:

    Fortunately, I've been with my current gf for 8 months and she didn't even know about the car for the first half (I was at college). So I know she's here for me, not the car.

    If I wanted a car to attract girls, I'd have pleaded my parents for a used BMW :keke: .

  19. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    yeah, thats true, girls are a fulltime(money) job.
  20. clemsonscooby

    clemsonscooby Active Member

    If you get a girl that was attracted to your car before you, then she is totally superficial. I met my wife while driving an 87 Grand Marquee, now thats love! When I bought the WRX, she was curious as to why I would want a sedan (little did she know). I showed her the ways of AWD and turbocharged fun.
  21. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    honestly, i dont think our cars are chick magnets... however, u will definitely get respect from most dudes if u have a well built WRX/STi
  22. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    and noodley ones at that.

    considering how many street level pissing contests go on out there, i am very seriously considering getting vynil that says
    "this is for my enjoyment, not for your respect."
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2006
  23. Suby1128

    Suby1128 Member

    I think it should say "Yes I Am Faster Than You, No I Won't Race You" :rofl:

  24. 8urvtec

    8urvtec Member

    guys i have to admit that my game definetly went up after i got my paint job...all the girlies love it, and they like that cool turbo xs rfl bov noise haha...they all say what is that pshhh sound..i had a girl ride with me one time and she said my exaust sorda vibrated her ****** and she loves to ride in my car now haha..i'll have chicks call me just to go pickem up cause they want to go for a fast drive. gahh don't u love that boxer rumble baby!!!!
  25. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    guess i need to move to TN :D
  26. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller



  27. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

    another way to get girls...

    learn how to play drums or the guitar and get in a band!
  28. 8urvtec

    8urvtec Member

    well guys i ain't lookin for a wifey haha i'm just havin fun being that pink wheels sti girl good lookin hehe?
  29. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

    she's married to BrianGT
  30. 8urvtec

    8urvtec Member

    ya i am a drummer and i will admit it can get u some of that"and this one time at band camp..." haha:fawk:
  31. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

    how long have you been playing? what kind of music? you play a kit, hand-drums, or drum corps?
  32. 8urvtec

    8urvtec Member

    well when i come to atlanta for install day u guys got to show this mississippi guy around..i got family in north atlanta that i will stay with

    I Did A Little Kit..mostly Snare And Bass But Yes I Did Do Drum Did My Lil Bro He Marched With Memphis Sound Last Year And I Marched With A Corp Out Of Chatanooga About 4 Years Ago
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2006
  33. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    My Jeep Wrangler got me my wife!! LOL... Get a Big Lifted jeep if u want a woman LOL
  34. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

    True dat!!

    Tom's WRX had one and let me barrow it, all the ladies were checking me out!
  35. 8urvtec

    8urvtec Member

    Most Girls Don't Even Know What Kind Of Car We Drive..uhhh
  36. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    Jeep for Rent... :) lol
  37. 8urvtec

    8urvtec Member

    Does The Jeep Come With A Prepaid Girl?
  38. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    hahahaha... I can probably set up something with a blowup doll :)
  39. 8urvtec

    8urvtec Member

    just make sure she is filled and won't bitch about my driving haha
  40. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

    can you upgrade that blowup doll for a real doll?
  41. Sylver

    Sylver Member

    You guys disturb me. o_O
  42. 8urvtec

    8urvtec Member

    dude u know u'd take some from a hott wett silent doll hahaha:pssh:
  43. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    /threadjack LOL

    Back on Topic.
    My subaru seems to pick up more guys than anything
  44. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

  45. 8urvtec

    8urvtec Member

    so is that what your aiming for or are u just that bad with the girlies...yah i have alot of guys come up to me haha:naughty:
  46. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    that dude is a girl.:keke:
  47. Ayrton

    Ayrton Member

    My wife thinks the spoiler looks like a bike rack...

    I have had so many cars, my wife dosen't even ask anymore.
  48. 8urvtec

    8urvtec Member

    why i gotta b all that
  49. Sylver

    Sylver Member

    Bingo. Besides, dolls never really were my type of thing.
  50. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

    My last girlfriend was afraid of of my 5 speed. I would say the car was a negative in her eyes (i guess she figured it was her competition for gift money. new exhaust or a gf gift...exhaust!).

    Now female friends and flings seem to love a nice fast car, at least in my expierence. As one "friend" of mine told me, "if your differentials aren't working, you aren't driving hard enough".

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