Do you still have your ram air scoop (triangular part for the intake)? Can I still have it? :sx: I've decided to put my intake snorkus back in my car (I have grown bored of the whoosh noise :wiggle: ). Craig
yeah ive got it, not sure if i can make it sat.. somethign with my sister comming in to town, il let you know today if not.. we can meet
Thanks man, I sent you a PM last night (I'll be down at Georgia Tech tonight). Call my cell (number in the PM), maybe I can swing by your place and pick it up. Craig
It just seems to take away from the exhaust note. Who knows, if I put it on and don't like it I may take it out some weekend and hack it. Just worried about flow issues with just hacking the box and covering up the hole (if the curve isn't right in the tube the air could get trapped in a rotating motion and not make it into the airbox properly.) Craig
ok , well im not goignt o be e at tech tommrow =/ skipping classes ftw... but il call you sunday if thats cool
Sunday is cool too, thanks for getting back to me man I appreciate it! Actually, I may not be able to meet Sunday (my cousin is flying in from scotland). Craig
hey mann i got my stock intakes stuff i can get them on install day if u want.. all u gotta do is help me install CAI and UP PIPE and u can have all my stock intake peices.. let me know PM ME SOON