my comp power supply died so no pics untill next week.. :(
only one problem... led dont work....:(
I installed a wrx wing onto mty turnk last night.... i'm at work right now i will post pictures later once i get home ... went pretty smoothly...
lol that sweet
too funny
john what wheels are those on your car... i like them .... want them for my wrb
found a friend with the obd readout comp. my cell was a evap emissons cap ... it was loose or something.. i cleared it and drove it round about...
hey guys i didnt really know where to put this... does anyone know if the service department is open on sunday at gwinnett.. i threw a cel tonight...
i was just happy i got my car back... it was kind of a hey lets go eat im wanna drive my car all the way up there deal
so whats up anyone showing
Hey Tom good to hear from you dude... glad to know all is well..
alright hears the plan.... hotters 7:30 then the brandy house after we eat
make it 7 30 ... its already 5
oh i just started a "chip got his car back thread" but i say pleasant hill 7 pm
Hey guys i just got my car back today. I really want to do something tonight sooo.... lets do something with all the talk of hooters im down...
I got my car back... HEHEHE... still need a bumper but it looks good other than that im golden.
im up for it tonight ... i got my car back woohoooo
I'd be down im supposed to be getting my car back this week.. by the end of next month i should have my new cat back and maybe some coilovers.
weekday nights.. and im down any place
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