wheel Wizard, Metro Wheels,
low coolant or air in the lines/heater core.What did the body shop do??
from what I remember this seems a lot worse.I never had to close my eyes or leave the room for Blair Witch.
This is the manufacturers show??
It was a good movie but my wife and I almost threw up.It was filmed with a shaky shaky cam.I have never had a weak stomach but this pushed me to...
do not have this installed but I did notice a bit more tranny noise when I put in sti trans mount and shifter bushings.I have heard that the rear...
Working at another Asian brand dealership I would be very surprised that they could make an across the board declaration about what would not be...
Does it always seem to happen with throttle held in same place? Wondering if possible throttle position sensor.I have seen them(on toyotas) wear a...
with acreage..
I'm just south of jasper..there are some nice roads around here. hwys 52 and 53 and East Cherokee drive to name a few.Its not too far to get to...
You can get a generic obd code reader for about 50$ at walmart.
I have seen spark plugs installed with an impact wrench.(yes really..)
I would swap 2 coils to see if it switches cylinders.Than you only need 1 unless you get a really good deal or just want to spend $
I just got in trouble for too much laughter after reading this and the digital tv thread.I have to leave this website until my wife goes to bed..
Can I fit one in my 06??Does any one know where I can get an adapter.?And yes it is the new 09 Tundra 5.7x10(28) liter.It gets -542 m.p.g.
My 06 is the noisiest car(as far as wind noise ) that I have owned (had 04 before this one and 20 or so misc. ones before that.) None of the noise...
You will be lucky if you even have a choice.As far as gas companies thir is an online price comparison that lets you price shop.usu. you have to...
Back porch is covered in snow.maybe 1/2 inch or so.
I get a lot of shoes online after trying them on in the store or from past experience.Usu sierra trading post, rei.com or a few others that escape...
Sometimes bolts have mysteriously stripped coming out for the first time.whether they were installed incorrectly at the factory or they seize due...
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