you need to punch the pins out. look closely. edit: 5 seconds of google searching gave me this: [img] goddamn. try a little harder next time
or a georgia tech game where you start drinking the day before
yeah. I need to get back up here by 1-2. how long you think we'd be down there?
a drive ;)
no. 6262 was my turbo of choice. I hit him up on facebook but the bastard never replied
oh no I agree whole heartedly. I just didn't like driving one, which is mostly why I haven't built my block. meh :unamused:
yeah but have you ever driven a car like it? the power is like a gd light switch. nothing...nothing...nothing then WHAM most people say they...
as you celebrate this day of your birth, I have but one bit of advice do what your parents did
interested to see how the juice helps the spool, cause gd at the spool big turbo setups are starting to be a big turn off due to the driveability :\
haha. newbs.
It's something like 6-9pm on friday, and all day sat and sunday
we already knew
I think it's $13-14 and doesn't start until 10
where's the filter for all the funny shit we saw LAST year
anyone want to take this with me? wanting to get my motorcycle license. dates I'm looking at are april 30, may 1-2. cost is $250 and you have...
they upped the price of the races. they can suck a d
if IT stresses you out that much yore doing it wrong
so you did 7 days?
you're :)
no, use new fluid you jew also if you're feeling frisky and cheap, re-stake the axle nut
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