Separate names with a comma.
I just don't get how you can be so uninsureable. Is your credit shot to hell or something? I'm not insurance agent but insurance is based on...
He lives far away, we're safe.
I've always just dropped it off since they are local.
aaaaand now I can't make it. Have fun guys (and gals)
We talking under the glass cleaning? I'm sure there are guides online about how to clean just about every lens out there. I've always been iffy...
Not it!
Meh. You can't go wrong with either. Canon definitely has more market share than Nikon so cheap used units are easier. But the newer Nikons do...
Who's going Tuesday? Think this will be the first one I can make.
Any of your family members in the Military? USAA is pretty awesome. We're paying $110 a month right now for two cars and my wife has more than...
I'm working on it! Wifes car needs fixing first.
I'd actually be really happy to help with the cooking. I have access to lots of toys at work. Smoked pork butt would be great for an install...
Yeah, when is the next install day? It really does bring the community together.
Stick with it. Wife says I'm going to hell for laughing at that.
when did that happen?
So that was you yesterday. I was the one with the black wrx.
so what you're saying is this is like the best $15 I ever spent.
so how much does the ECU freak out when you do that? And congrats.
Looks awesome. Do you notice a difference in just driving around town?
Hell, I really like the P2 personally. Something like that with a bit more subie specific styling cues would be awesome.