Don't take this the wrong way but........... Rookies! I don't even live in GA any more. Lol. But I wish I did..... WRXatlanta is just way too cool a community to forget about. You wanna see posts look me up on pretty much any other automobile forum. There you will see many-a-post from the one called bluetwo.
weak sauce.~ only a 1000. its the quality of the posts that counts. hehe you leavin today for the trip?
Kris you cant say much...youve been here 1 month longer than me and have 4200 more posts you whore :lol:
I'm rocking over 200 posts now. woo-hoo. It became much easier to post when I saw the "new posts" link at the top of the forum... hehehe sure beats searching for new stuff. gawd.