So J's car is nearing completion I thought it would be cool to give everybody a little sneak peek. Brandon Mounted the turbo today and I snapped a few shots. Damn it I suck at the internet and I'm tired Ill post the pictures in the morning. Matt
Just don't let SS tackle that river up at Big Canoe in that... If you have any old parts off that thing let me know. I'm looking for stock injectors and a radiator...
It should be available for youre viewing pleasure at the dyno day. I think Brandon still has it on a lift. Matt
One question. How is the oil return taken care of? Most turbo's dont' have enough oil pressure out the turbo so they rely on gravity to feed the oil out and not pool.
Brandon is going to build a sump for the turbo and it uses a tilton differential pump to suck the oil out of the sump.
The original plan was to run it reverse but in reality its only saving about 8 inchs of pipe and I don't think its going to be worth the hassle. Matt
Really? Oh that must be because of the location of the turbo. I know the stock location turbos shorten the crap outta the piping when you reverse the manifold.
Is that car going to be a daily driver? Is the owner worried about rainy days...I know that a turbo is not an intake, but wouldn't a serious volume of water getting sucked into the turbine, lets say driving through a big puddle, put some heavy stress on it? I am sure that whoever is building this car (is that dan wrenching on it?) has already considered that issue, I am just curious.
Yep..I sorta figured that out...How is everything else going Matt?. I hope that your other project cars are coming along well. BTW, how is the 240 looking?. Mark
If it makes less than 650hp on turbo Ill be pissed, and we have a big kit for it and I'm not afraid of the bottle like everyone else