For all you beloved Subaru enthusiasts out there, now is a great time to get your hands on Eco Auto Cleans Waterless Car Wash! Eco Auto Clean is giving WRXATL members 10% off all products & services until 10.15.11 I want to expand the knowledge and use of these phenomenal waterless car wash products! Clean - Polish - Protect your vehicle without water! Winter is coming up! No sense in washing your car in the cold when you can do it in your garage or of course, leave it to us! Remember, Eco Auto Clean is a mobile detailing company! We come to YOU! Please feel free to PM me for any other questions! PDF of Products Bike/PDF of Eco Auto Clean Travel Kit PDF of Services Here are some pictures from previous details.. Nissan Before.. Nissan After...No Water! Wheel - Half and Half!
can you give a quick overview of how this works? I've seen the reviews and raves you guys get from the community, but I've always been interested in how you clean without the use of water. I assume it's some sort of lubricant based cleaner that evaporates? How do you wipe dirt / mud off without scratching the vehicle?
The product performs what is called emulsification - there is a protective layer created between the dirt and the paint. Obviously if the car is caked in mud it cannot be done. Out of the two years I've been doing this, I've turned down 2 cars. You take two folded microfibers. One sprayed with the product - and the other dry. You spray the vehicle - spray, gently rub in and then with the dry microfiber you wipe off any extra residue etc. No hard wiping or any thing of that nature required. Will you be at the bi-weekly meet tomorrow? thanks
I want to personally thank the members (Ken, Justin & Kai and others) that have taken a recent interest in not just waterless detailing, but specifically Eco Auto Clean Waterless Detail Products. Please remember to take advantage of the 10% before it's too late! If anyone has any questions let me know. Thanks
Can't wait to finally try it out! Once im done with mid terms this week, ill put it to work and post some pics!
Hey Justin I've been out of town the last week so I just got your vmail last night. I think you left it a week or so ago....but yea, man, I havent even gotten a chance to use the 2 in the pink yet, car has just been sittin smh. Hopefully I can give it a wipe down this weekend. I'll post up before and after pics!
We are all busy, I definitely understand! I'm excited to know your thoughts and see some pictures. Thanks!
Hello and happy Friday!! Just wanted to bump this and remind you all of the 10% sale! Interested but skeptical? Check out the recent reviews from fellow WRXATL members. Also I'll be out at this coming Tuesday nights meet. Feel free to contact me if there is anything you need! Thanks!
Wow did October get here fast! 13 more days until the 10% off sale ends!! Make sure you all take advantage of this great offer! Bump & Cheers =)
2 more members purchased some Eco Auto Clean Waterless Car Wash Product to detail their Subarus with! Make sure you take advantage of this sale as there are only 10 days left! Questions/Comments PM me!