12/16/06 Suby Hangout meet!!!

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by JL889, Dec 14, 2006.

  1. JL889

    JL889 Pandastic!

    We'll be meeting up at Taco Mac in Perimeter just to hang out. If you guys wanna take part in Secret Santa Game just come and bring a wrapped present without a tag attacted to it. Remember to keep it under $20. Hope to see you guys there. Always remember the more the merrier!! -Joe

    Date-Sat 12/16/06
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2006
  2. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    pretty late notice :p.

    around what time?
  3. JL889

    JL889 Pandastic!

    Already got some people comming for Secret Santa just see if anyone else wanted to come.
  4. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    ooo, i see.
  5. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

  6. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    i work til 2230...
  7. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

    I'll be there, gifts in hand!
  8. JL889

    JL889 Pandastic!

    Me2 can't wait to see you guys tonight. Make sure before you go in meet in outside so you can drop off your gift with me. We don't want everyone knowing who brought what now :) -Joe
  9. JL889

    JL889 Pandastic!

    See You Guys 2night!!!!
  10. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    I'll be there...woohooo
  11. JL889

    JL889 Pandastic!

    Had a great time seeing you guys and seeing some new faces! Great Success!!
  12. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Sorry about that :(
  13. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    Yeah it was a lot of fun.

    Oh, and Alex, way to skip the one meet I make a year :keke:
  14. D_K

    D_K Member

    Joe I called you last night on my girlfriend's phone and it was hard to hear..

    then the phone died..I had to turn around on 85 because I had no idea where I was going..lol :grr:
  15. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Come over here, see if you can stick even 1 finger inbetween the wheel and fender :hs:
  16. Strayen

    Strayen Active Member

  17. JL889

    JL889 Pandastic!

    THanks for the pics looks good!!
  18. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    does Jason have Milo's old rims on it?
  19. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Yeah I think he does.
  20. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Yes, I am borrowing Milos/Ankurs wheels until I can afford a new set of tires for my P1s. Hopefully in the next week or two. I like the look of Milos wheels on my car, but I still prefer gold, and I am having slight rubbing issues with people in the backseat.

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