16g turbo

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by jay92x, May 13, 2009.

  1. jay92x

    jay92x New Member

    Whats a big 16g versus a small 16g ? I assume the small one spools faster but has less top end power?
  2. MonikAWD

    MonikAWD New Member

    Big 16G has bigger internals than a regular 16G.
  3. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    the compressor section is larger, and therefore flows more. bigger compressor wheel will take more energy to spool up
  4. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    Iirc it is the compressor side from an 18g in there. The idea is you get ~18g flow at ~16g spool but you actually wind up with a little less than 18g flow and slightly longer than 16g spool. Ha, basically a 17g
  5. lol, well put....
  6. jay92x

    jay92x New Member

    Thanks.. I'll think of it as a 17g. And I guess the super or evoiii 16g is a 17.5g.

    I found the table that I really wanted to see

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