2002 WRX with 90k miles?? buy or moneypit?

Discussion in 'Latest Spin Forum Archive' started by Alex_ATL, Jun 24, 2005.

  1. Alex_ATL

    Alex_ATL Member

    I found a 2002 rex asking price $12,500 but it's got 90k miles.
    Is this even worth considering? It's the only one i'd ever be able to afford and i could make an offer. If it's properly maintained what should I be looking out for at this stage of its life?

    Strongly recommend against getting a car with these miles or think if i can get it for 11k or so it's a good deal. Supposedly it is modded and it's a wagon (which i want)
  2. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    Ask him a question....what number transmission is it on b/c you might want to be concerned with the condition of that, especially if it is modded and has been for many miles.

    And 12.5 seems like a decent price for 90k miles
  3. Alex_ATL

    Alex_ATL Member

    what do you mean by what # transmission? like has he had it replaced or the stock/vin whatever on the tranny?

    the blue book is like 11,500 i'd offer 11k see if he bites, cash $$ :)
  4. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    I say 10,000 tops buddy....thats a lot of miles.....
  5. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    LOL by what # transmission I meant has he replaced it before, or had to rebuild it?
  6. Tom's WRX

    Tom's WRX Member

    if you are looking to get a wagon, wait about 2 weeks and you can get one that is sold for about 16,500. Sol Drums car goes on sale then and i can assure you that car is in fine running condition and can spank just about anyhthing out there.
  7. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Alex, see if you can buy Brett's car, its got some serious modifications done to it, as well as looks great :wiggle:
  8. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    Wait, what is Brett doing? Moving to an STI???!?@?@?@?!!?>TEYER^&@$%&WY%HET
  9. SkullWRX

    SkullWRX Member

    People on this forum tend to take very good care of their cars and not tear the hell out of them. I recommend buying here if a comparable one is available. However, speaking to the 90k miles, we used to have an '86 GL-10 (yes, ancient Subie). When we sold it in 2001 it still ran very well with no major problems (well my brother wrecked it 4 times, but that's about it). The car is good well over 90k, i assure you but the transmission question is a good one. Basically, if he's done a good job of keeping it maintained as recommended and not driven the hell out of it you should be good to go. For myself, i'd look for what's on sale on the forums first and see.
  10. WRX-WRC

    WRX-WRC Active Member

    i say go for bretts ride
  11. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    I would love to have Bretts car! Why does everyone sell the good stuff when its too late???
  12. Alex_ATL

    Alex_ATL Member

    right now the ceiling is basically 14k if Brett is selling his car for that or a hair over i could probably go for that
  13. youradumb1

    youradumb1 Member

    11k is good i would jump on it,as for tranny, you would want an upgraded one anywayso save up buddy
  14. youradumb1

    youradumb1 Member

    beside chiks dig subies
  15. Here's another one for slightly more, but with less miles.

    Dark Blue wagon

    Also modifed, but the mods are listed. Too bad it has a BOV
  16. Oh, and I looked up the wagon you are talking about on autotrader.com and it looks nice, but under the hood is where you would want to concentrate on to gauge the condition.

    And I have to ask another question... who in their right mind would sell a WRX?? he better be getting a STI... :wiggle:

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