2006 Georgia Tech Auto Show

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Alex, Jan 26, 2006.

  1. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    The 2006 Georgia Tech Auto Show will be held on Saturday, April 1st, 2006 on the Georgia Tech campus. The on-line registration is currently active at: www.GaTechAutoShow.com

    Please help by notifying Georgia Tech graduates who own collectable or exotic or unusual cars and motorcycles. It is always challenging to get the word out to those off-campus. Those that are not Georgia Tech graduates can enter by an invitation from our organizing committee. Please send me the request and I can help them with that process.

    The show planning meeting happens every Friday between 11am and 1pm at Rocky Mountain Pizza near the campus. Please come join our group there to eat, socialize, hear the latest developments, and add your ideas into the mix. You may certainly drop-in for as much time as is convenient for you. It looks like the show will grow significantly again this year!

    Please put April 1st on your calendar now!! I absolutely promise that this year it wont snow like it did last year (see picture below), but even if it does.... the show will go on!
  2. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i'll be there
  3. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    I'll be there with my car this year :)
  4. wrxguy

    wrxguy Member

    I be there!
  5. scuby drew

    scuby drew techos ftws!!EEEE

    i shall be in attendance
  6. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Too bad BMW CCA is hosting a mini-autox school on this day, otherwise I would go.
  7. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    dang some mean cars! was that SS miata next to the stis in the video?
  8. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Yeah, next to Javid's and Milos.
  9. Wow...never heard of this before. From that video of last year it looks really cool. I'll have to come out and see this? Alex, are you and Milo in it or just attending?
  10. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    does it cost money to enter? or is it just a car enthusiasts meet?
  11. WRX-WRC

    WRX-WRC Active Member

    you have to be a tech student or alumni to enter your car but i believe it is free for anyone to chekc things out.
  12. cguzz

    cguzz Member

    That'd be me then...

    I'm an IE class of '89. All I got is this little ol' 03 Wagon. Sounds like fun.
  13. plokivos

    plokivos Member

    woohoo! I'll be there too.
  14. pankopp

    pankopp Member

    i will be there but i'm not cool enough to be allowed to enter my car.
  15. kingwrex

    kingwrex Supporting Member

    is there going to be anybody meeting up to ride down in a group, i would love to go check it out but would be cool to show up with a big crew.
  16. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    a caravan can definitely be planned :)
  17. Let's pick out a car and put wrxAtlanta and Sakari decals/graphics all over the car... ;)

    What you think Joe? lol :naughty:
  18. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i second that :bigthumb:
  19. JL889

    JL889 Pandastic!

    if the juice is worth the squeeze i'll do it. :)
  20. uh oh~~~ haha

    Joe, be prepared next time you come over! lol :rofl:
  21. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    this conversation sounds a little porno to me :keke:
  22. Sounds like your jealous lol ;)
  23. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

  24. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Haha, if you'll cover it, I'll be game :)
  25. New92

    New92 Member

    New guy here, Ill be there. Buddy of mine is on the planning board, says lots of hot entrys this year!
  26. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    great... see ya out there
  27. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Ah, I cant wait, theres going to be an Enzo and 612 Scagletti there :D
  28. AWD OWNZ U

    AWD OWNZ U Member

    I'll at least check it out if I can remember.
  29. WRX-WRC

    WRX-WRC Active Member

    cant wait, this is gonna be so fun
  30. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Bah, I'll actually have my car there this year and Milo's gonna be rolling stock!
  31. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    hopefully will have an exhaust by then :)
  32. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Haha, I am trying to get some vinyl cut for my car in time for that. Hopefully will be going with 2 bling-o wrxatl windsheild banners.
  33. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    what's up with the caravan and what is the address to the place? <3
  34. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Bumping this back up, its coming!

    The address is Ga Tech. Take the main entrance into GT, you should see a parking lot full of cars.
  35. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    This might sound stupid but where is the main entrance all I know it's a bunch blocks of school and dorms :)
  36. I don't even know and I go to Tech haha ;P

    Alex? Help? haha maybe you should upload a map of the campus :keke:
  37. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    im in the same boat as you. im gonna show up after mindy gets off work how the hell do we get there?
  38. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    What time is everyone showing up?

    JT, if you're coming from the north, take the North Ave exit and turn right. Make a right on Cherry Street. Cherry street will dead end and then you'll turn left, ride this street around past the student center and a parking deck and then the car show should be on the right.

    Attached Files:

  39. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    thanks bobby. im not sure what time ill be there but im shooting for no later than noon.
  40. what time does it start?
  41. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    10 am

    We could caravan down there from near my place... i'll post up details if people are interested
  42. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Milo, since we are in the show, dont we need to be there earlier?
  43. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    yeah... 10am is when it starts... i'll probably be there at 9.30
  44. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    I'm sure I'll be interested in following somebody down. The Dec isn't too close to where I'll be but I can make it happen.
  45. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    The site says that "Car placement will begin “rain or shine” at 10:00AM in the Instructional Center parking lot on the Georgia Tech campus"
  46. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Right, thats what I thought, Ill talk to you later about it.
  47. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    I'll be there around 10 so save me a spot!
  48. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Okies, itll be SELOC style, haha. Chair with WRXatlanta shirt on it :naughty:
  49. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

  50. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I'm getting ready :)


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