sweet Chris..dang didn't realize that many cars/people show up for these install days. can't wait till i get back!
boy did i ever miss out. 06 i see? thats crosseyed isnt it? Some pretty cars cars. hope to see most of ya at nopi.
HUGE difference from stock, i would recommend this for anyone. I wish i would have done it sooner. I guess i will just have to get use to the quick response steering now.
HOLY junk man I totally forgot about this I won't have what I was gonna install till tues anyhow, so *shrug* sorry I didn't make it out, my car has been a mega bia lately. where do you guys have that and how did you get permission? that's just nuts how many people show up!
its at my apartment complex... the top level of the parking deck is always completely empty... i asked the people at the leasing office for permission to use it and they said as long as no body drives like crazy in and around the neighborhood, we can have the install days there