9mm Fun

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by flip, Apr 18, 2006.

  1. flip

    flip Member

    So I just purchased my first 9mm hand gun. I ended up getting a Springfield XD 9MM. I headed streight to the range with a friend. We fired off 200 rounds of range ammo and I was VERY impressed. It has similar style to a glock but with a few more features. It had been quite a while since I shot but I guess you never forget how to aim. I pretty well for not shooting in so long. Anyone else shoot/collect? If so what you got?

    Heres mine:


    P.S. Don't fuck with my car ;)
  2. Very nice gun, I've not gotten a chance to shoot one but I've heard nothing but good things about it. Very good choice, especially in a compact frame.

    That reminds me, my little brother is moving out to CA, he wanted to get some rangetime in before he left. No pics of my guns but I have more than a few scattered around the house...... ;)

    Where do you shoot?
  3. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Nice purchase, I like 9mm for the fact that they hold 16 + 1, I used to own a Taurus(beretta copy). I prefer a 45 though. I own a Baby Eagle 45, a 12 gauge mossberg with a pistol grip and folding stock, and an AR-15(if you haven't fired 30 rounds of .223 in less than a minute, I highly recommend it!).
    I hope to purchase and AR-10 and a full size 45 in the future. Talk to Rolling_Trip on this site, he's another gun guy...
  4. flip

    flip Member

    Tonight i shot up at a range in the lawrenceville square. It was called bullseye i believe. We ended up getting out of there with two people (one booth) for 1/2 hour, 5 targets, 50 extra rounds and both of us rented eye and ear protection for 18$ total. I thought that was pretty good... I went to this one because i have a friend with a few guns who lives out there...

    Most of the time I will probably go to eds on canton in marietta since it is literally 4 minutes from my house. Thats where i bought my gun too and i have 25$ worth of free range time from there since i purchased it there. Hit me up if you wana go to the range some time!

    Hey Blueline, right now i don't have a concealed weapons permit and was wondering the best way to transport my firearm to and from the ranges in case I just happened to get pulled over. Ive been told to always let the officer know first thing that you have a firearm, where it is, if it's loaded or not, etc.... Should i keep it in sight so they don't think i'm trying to hide it or should i tuck it behind a seat or even in the trunk? I would just want the officer to not feel threatened and make it as smooth as possible in the event that something like that happened...
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2006
  5. Eric-RPS13-

    Eric-RPS13- Member

    I like 1911s myself
    I owned a tuperware pistol once in .357 sig, had lots of work, good carry gun, but I prefer my kimber with work for carry.
    I own a 6 gun in .41 mag with a hakko, can shoot @ 100 yards with it like a long gun
    an H&K SL8-1 pretty cool gun, like it much more then an AR and it's more acurate out of box then one, the feel for me is much better has adjustable stock and cheek stock.
    also got a ruger mark 2 pistol ( think that's what it is, I don't pay as much attention to guns anymore)
    my father whom I usually go shooting with owns at least 30 guns last time I counted, which was a while ago, he has a shitload needless to say. so if anyone wants to go to riverbend gun club, let me know, they have every kind of range there and even a 600 yard and big bore. so you can bring your sniper rifle or whatever. if anyone hasn't shot a gun before I don't mind bringing you out and giving you the basics etc. Hell if someone wanted to get a small group and go to the gun club I can arrange it, gotta follow the rules, but the scoobs on the gravel road to the club would be a blast.
  6. flip

    flip Member

    Sounds like a blast to me!
  7. We'll have to go shoot sometime. Bullseye's good, that's where I usually go. It's nice if you've ever wanted to shoot something automatic..... they have an Uzi, Thompson, MP5, etc, that you can rent..... I'd cough up $$$ to buy an MP5 if I ever thought I'd use it, that thing feels great!

    Trunk, glove box, console, or plain view are all good places to keep it. Your vehicle is considered an extension of your home, so you don't need a CCP to keep it in your car. Best idea is to get a range bag for when you go shooting, then you can put it in the trunk or on the floorboard and be fine if you're pulled over.

    Regardless, if you are pulled over with a weapon in the car, let the officer know..... if, for whatever reason, the officer finds it on his own, you will very likely be removed from the car(through the window if need be...... there's a funny story that goes along with that :D)...... the thinking behind it being if you have one gun you're not telling me about, what else do you have that you're not telling me about?

    Officer safety = #1
    Everything else comes later :)
  8. flip

    flip Member

    Awesome, thats really good to know. I'll let you know next time I go to the range. There is a slight possibility I'll go tomorrow, but i'm low on funding right now so i might wait till next week...
  9. Eric-RPS13-

    Eric-RPS13- Member

    actually if you have it in your car and in plain site it should be unloaded
    the trunk and glove box are the extensions of your home, you can have it loaded in there.
    it's best to get a CCP no matter what, I've been hassled to no end even with one, frisked and cuffed and treated like a criminal and I was a perfect gentlemen with the cop, always am, as much as I hate cops, I'm not going to pull an attitude.
    I have a print out of GA carry rules that are from 2005 somewhere, and if you want I can get them from a deputy sherriff friend. When dealing with gun laws don't do anything unless you are 100% sure it's legal. Ignorance is no excuse and prison time is no fun.

    oh ya also the gun needs to be in a holster of some sort preferibly, it's not a requirement to my recollection, but an officer said that he is much more comfortable when someone has a holster, less chance of accidental discharge with some kinds of guns. I know someone who showed off a glock and an idiot grabbed the gun through the trigger gaurd and shot a nice hole through the fire wall and ruined a lot of shit, if my computer hadn't crashed I would have the pictures to go with it.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2006
  10. flip

    flip Member

    So far i've been keeping it in it's box since i've only used it once. I'm guessing thats probably just as good as keeping it in a holster... I'll be getting the CCP asap. I hear there are a few steps to go through. Anyone know exactaly what i need to do?
  11. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

  12. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    My dad has quite the collection. I hope to follow in those footsteps one day, but for now I'm still a poor college student that can't legally own a handgun.
  13. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    I'm not a fan of the trigger safety. I've owned a Ruger P89 for ~8 years which has a manual safety. A friend of mine's brother was killed by a Glock accidentally discharging. I can see why an officer would want a trigger safety though. And cops always have holsters which helps.

    I used to always keep a loaded handgun in the glove box(before I had kids). The one time I was pulled over I just let him know and there was no drama. He just asked to talk with me behind the car. And I kept my hands on the steering wheel the whole time I was in car, which you should do anyways.

    Bullseye rocks! When we had some Brits over visiting about 9 of us went. We rented all the automatics plus brought about 5 of our own guns. I think all of us had sore and raw fingers from all the ammo loading! lol. That thompson is mean.
  14. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    Last edited: Apr 18, 2006
  15. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    You have my gun!

    Except mine's called HS2000. :) I got one of the early ones before Springfield took over and HS Arms in TN was still importing them. I love the safety setup with the grip safety AND the trigger safety. Much nicer than the Glocks if you ask me.
  16. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    I sold my xd 9mm, its probally the only gun I have ever had that I wish I had not sold. They are (for me anyway) the most perfect carry gun on the market. All the other guns I would even consider carrying right now are in the xd line. I'm thinking about picking up a one of the xd 357sigs. Ive heard good things about that round.

  17. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    very nice gun man, im gonna look into gettin one myself in the next year or so.
  18. wrxguy

    wrxguy Member

    Yeah thats a great gun! Alot more safe than a glock. Because the glock only has a trigger safty. Here is an example of my old gun.


    Also if i was to get a another glock i would get a glock 18 compared to a glock 30
  19. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    So, how old do you have to be to get a license? And around how much are most pistols?
  20. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    Back in the day my dream pistol was the Sig 9mm compact, awesome gun. With kids in the house, I don't want to have one around. I have seen (literally) too many gun accidents involving children. Not a knock on others who own them and have kids, just not my choice...I would be very down for a firing range G2G...
  21. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    Last edited: Apr 18, 2006
  22. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    I am not a big gun enthusiast, but when I went to the range with the Recon guys, that was always the gun I rented. I tried a few glocks and some larger caliber handguns, but the sig just had such a smooth action. Felt better in my hand too. Can't comment on its saftey for everyday use. Plus wasn't it the gun of choice for the secret service at one point?
  23. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    Last edited: Apr 18, 2006
  24. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    Didn't catch that you were referring to the whole child thing, I thought maybe there was some inherent issue with the SIG. Like I said, not telling people who have children to abstain from guns, simply not my choice since I've had one of my own. If you feel comfortable with kids being around guns, I have no problem with that....
  25. You have to be 21 to own a handgun...... in GA you don't have to have a license to own a handgun, but you do need a license to carry one. They are usually issued by the police department through a permits division. Most ranges offer firearm safety courses, I highly recommend that prior to buying a gun and getting a CCP.

    Pistols vary greatly in price...... you can get a cheap .22, .25, or .380 at a pawn shop for less than $100..... or you can spend $800-$1000 on a high-quality 1911 style pistol. It depends on what you're planning to use it for, and there's plenty of research to be done before purchasing one.
  26. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    Last edited: Apr 18, 2006
  27. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Going to the range is a good time. It's like other people said though you have to be all about safety when you handle a weapon.

    Absolutely nothing beats firing the main gun on an M1 Abrams tank though. You haven't seen firepower until you shot a round that weighs 65 lbs. The .50 cal is pretty fun too... :eek:
  28. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    wow didn't know so many gun guyz were on this site. I haven't been to the range in about a year or so my first gun was a .380 I hated it always caught my hand. then I got a glock 17 my baby till this day 2 16 clips came with it and I brought a 32clip. I also had a sig 9mm smith n wesson but gave to my mom and my mom traded it for a tec-9

    Thanks for clearing up the law cause I thought you had to have it in the glove and the clip seprate from the gun . back in the day I used to keep it in the glove fully loaded I got stopped one time I told him it was in the glove and he told me that I had to have it seprate, then we compared guns cause he had the glock 45 the best police stop ever.

    Omg, I want to shoot a 50 cal a least once and hopefully my next purchase (if ever) is a sniper rifile
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2006
  29. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Yeah man. The .50 Cal rocks. But the M240 is by far the fastest machine gun I've shot. That bitch straight up screams! You just have to be weary of a runaway gun. The M249, or SAW as we call it, is pretty quick too, but it only shoot 5.56 rounds.
  30. Eric-RPS13-

    Eric-RPS13- Member

    it's like this get a $30 money order for one thing when you go to the probate court and a $35 money order for the other background check, they take your prints
    and you wait 3-6 months and you have to be 21

    if you want a nice rifle let me know, I can find you a well built "sniper" style rifle with a good scope. I've built up and sold several. My next project is a .338 lapua magnum rifle.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2006
  31. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Next time you go to the range, I would be curious to see how that fires. Ive never fired one. My experience with firearms is poor; however, I've had the opportunity to fire a few in my roomate's family's collection.
  32. WrxCrazy

    WrxCrazy Active Member

    i'm not a gun man but i like degale btw i have like countless daggers.. lol much fun
  33. flip

    flip Member

    Yeah, dude, I'll let you know when i go next time. I went both yesterday and today so it'll probly be a week or so before i go again but I will let you know. You know of any ranges near you?

    A few more comments since i went to the range again today. I really like the trigger action. I don't even feel it move back at all when shooting. It seems like as soon as i pull it it fires which is awesome because it doesn't mess with my aim. It doesn't take a whole lot of pressure to pull the trigger which is nice but it's not too light which is good too. I figured out the aim a little better today as well. Seems like i have to aim slightly above the center dot which has helped. I sent the targeet all the way down the range and managed to hit the target with every shot :) and get 2 bullseye shots.

    We brought a coule girls to the range. One of them just sat in the back but we got the other to shoot! She shot twice and was slightly scared by the recoil haha. But she had fun!

    It was really fun to rip through an entire clip quickly. I was surprised how easy it was to keep accuracy between shots but shoot so fast.

    So i guess i should get a cleaning kit. Any advice on what all i need to get and what i don't? I woudl have gotten one with the gun but i was a tad short on cash... Wasn't expecting to spend 450...

    Thanks man, i'm really beginning to like it a lot!

    I couldn't find which codes were relating to carying a gun in your car or on your person specifically. 100 - 184 was kind of a large range, do you know specifically which ones i should pay attention to? I looked through quite a few.

    Ok i think i found the right code... Looks like it is 16-11-126.

    From what i read, and tell me if i am correct, this is what it says

    If you are carying a firearm without a permit in your car, as long as you are elidgeable to get one, it can be loaded but must be either in plain view, in the glove box, or a similar compartment.

    If carying it outside of your car it must be in a carying case, unloaded and seperate from any amunition.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2006
  34. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    ^^^^ that's my understanding of the laws also.
  35. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I would like to go to the Range and fire off a few rounds. I haven't fired a gun since moving to Atl 2 years ago. Used to go shoot with my dad from time to time, but all he had were some crappy 22s. I would definitely rent the MP5 for the day, any idea on the prices for rentals at Bullseye?

    Also, isn't it illegal to have more than 3 rounds in the clip? I am pretty sure that is the law in PA, not sure if it is the same here.
  36. flip

    flip Member

    Seems like the rentals werent much. Like 3 or 5$ for a pistol if i remember correctly. At the one by me, Eds Guns, they have a nice range and they also rent out my XD :).

    I didn't see anything about 3 rounds in the clip yet but I will look closely because i have 16 round clips... I actually heard they don't make anything more than 10 round clips now. Is that correct?
  37. wrxguy

    wrxguy Member

    i think thats correct. But i pretty sure you can find a 16 to 30 round clips on http://www.gunbroker.com/. Its the ebay of guns.
  38. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    I thought the law banning assault rifles and large clips had expired. If not, I've got a 30 round 9mm clip if you're interested...
  39. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    the law has expired, yes.
  40. They have packages you can pick from..... one is $35 and the other is $45, IIRC, depending on which weapon you pick. They include the gun, two boxes of ammo, eye and ear protection, two targets, and rangetime.
  41. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Wow, that sounds very reasonable. I definitely want to go.
  42. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    yeah randy's (bullseye) is a great place ;)
  43. Eric-RPS13-

    Eric-RPS13- Member

    that's a hunting law bud. that way some yahoo doesn't go out deer hunting with an ak and banana clip and shoot up the forrest, HUMANE killing, IE shoot to kill not rambo hold and spray

    it's just a ban on sales of those manufacted post ban, not use

    I would rent whatever automatic has the cheapest ammo, IE 9mm
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2006
  44. flip

    flip Member

    Anyone have suggestions on buying ammo for the range? I know not to buy it at the range if you can help it. I've just went to walmart yesterday and got some Winchester 9mm. I got 100 for 13$ i think... Is there anywhere i can go to get a better deal than that?

    I heard that Winchester actually manufactures a special grain ammo for walmart so they can sell it cheeper... I really just need to buy 1k rounds at a time to save money if i can get it discounted...
  45. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    This thread just reminded me of the manliest guys night out I've ever had. Shooting range for the first half, then bowling for the second.
  46. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    ^^^ then strip club 3rd and beer the whole time. All while being filmed for the Man Show.
  47. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

  48. Eric-RPS13-

    Eric-RPS13- Member

    get on gunbroker and buy some surplus 9mm there is some that is about to be up for sale from various countries 4-6 cents a round. that is the way to go.
  49. Also, about carrying a gun in your auto... After letting the police know that you have a firearm in the car, whatever you do, dont reach for it to show him where it is!!
    A cop that pulled me over was telling me that alot of people tell him about the firearm, then reach for it to show him... I know it sounds like common sense, but people just dont think about it when its happening... next thing they know they are showing the gun to an officer like its a baseball trading card or something...

    BTW - you can get your concealed license from any county in the state you live in... so even if you live in fulton county, you can drive up to bartow county and get the license (and its usually much quicker that way too).
  50. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    ^^ Good advice cause that might get you shot.

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