When I got my car back, my mechanic had never recharged the A/C system. Would I be able to fill it with the cans of refrigerant from the parts store or does it have to go to a person with a special machine?
you'll need to do a vacuum then a recharge. do yourself a favor and go ahead and replace the o-rings on the AC lines. $3.00 up front is better than $30.00 plus labor to refill. Do I get a fucking cookie for using 'then' and 'than' correctly?
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_0_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A551 Safari/8536.25) Yeah but it's coconut.
damn, allergic to coconut. Kite Strung (MoFuKa/AUDI 5000 (StarTac; CPU StarTac DOS 486 like RedHat OS) Ti99ARPANETKit/1.19.54 (KMFDM, like MDFMK) Version/AL_G Hess/90210 HeeHaw/BR549)
I'll buy you whatever flavor you want. Small raisins in cookies that make it look like a chocolate chip cookie are the reasons I have trust issues.