So I noticed Saturday that there was this wierd hose melted onto my another thread (smelly one) — Milo had stated that it is the AC condensation dump what do I do to avoid meltdown and how bad is it that it's already starting? I don't currently have AC so not too concerned but I would hate to damage something that I could avoid. Any insight would be great!
With my TXS exhaust the plastic clip that holds the rubber tube melted. I didn't even know it was pinching when we put the exhaust on. The rubber was OK. I could not get a good grip with plyers and pull the clip off so I just took a prybar like a chisel and a hammer and sheered the clip off at the body and cut the hose. I have the cut off and am looking for brass barb fittings to reroute it so it does not drip on the DP. It is ceramic coated, but who knows what the water will do to it over time. BTW, the ID of the hose is 5/8.
I think mine melted, I had a half melted piece of wire loom under there but it doesnt look like it goes anywhere.
Er, I think that someone's supposed to say "Zip tie it" again at 9:28. No telling where. Just somewhere it doesn't stink, I guess.
^ lol, whoops... Yah i need to zip tie mine. My DP is kinda large so i don't knwo if it would even work. Mine has a hole burned in it since we forgot to fix it right away. I ended up with mystery smoke comeing out of my vents . Right now I have it pulled inside the firewall on the passenger side floor draining into a plastic coke bottle that I have to dump every few hours when I run the A/C...
I didn't zip tie mine. Actually I bent it to the left and now it rests on a piece of the chassis. Mine already has a hole burned into its side. This will not cause any problems.