Advanced Auto Parts Sucks

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Fast Joe, Mar 25, 2006.

  1. Fast Joe

    Fast Joe New Member

    I went to purchase a new battery today for the car and wanted to buy an Optima red top. The only place in town that had them was Advanced Auto Parts in Cordele Ga. I went into the store and noticed they were $109.88. I proceeded to buy the battery along with a few other things I needed. I was almost home and happened to glance down at the receipt and noticed they charged me $119 for the battery. I think no problem, the computer was probably not loaded with the sale price. So I head back to the store to get the $10.00 credit. When I got back is when it all started. I simply stated I was over charged for a battery I had just purchased. The salesman decided to go look on the shelf and said I was right it was $109. We went back to the counter for a refund and he was unable to do just the $10 credit. He had to show that the battery was returned and resale it back to me. Every hing was cool until I ask for my original receipt back in case I had any problems with any of the other parts I had purchased.I also wanted it back in case of any charges were incorrect from the original purchase, the return and the second purchase since I used by bank check card. I was then informed that I could not have my receipt back with my other purchases on them. I said WTF? He said I could come back in there and say I had bought 2 batteries and get new ones.Where would I get 2 bad Optima batteries from I said? I told him simply do like all the other store(auto zone and Advanced Auto in Florida) do and line through the purchase, initial the line, write returned and give me my receipt. He again told me no and started getting rude about it. I then told him to refund the money back for the battery and all the other things because they just lost a sale, again attitude. Got the refund, the receipt and walked out. I WILL NEVER SPEND ONE MORE RED CENT IN ANOTHER ADVANCED AUTO PARTS, CUSTOMER SERVICE SUCKS. I would rather drive from Florida up to Summit Racing in Atlanta to by an Optimas battery then every use the parts Advanced Auto sales again.
  2. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    Doh, sorry to hear you had a crappy experience with them. In my area Advance is the only decent parts store; AutoZone is staffed with morons and you have to spend a half hour in line to get anything from them.
  3. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    The $10 is a core charge for the battery, which is mandated by the state for battery purchases. If you give them your old battery when you purchase the new battery, this can be waived. Alternately, if you bring your receipt and old battery back later, they should refund you the $10.

    As for the old receipt, they should have just been able to cross out the battery from it and have the manager initial it...

  4. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    True that @ AutoZone having idiots staffed. I applied there while looking for a job a while ago. I came in the other day getting some brake pads and they hired some girl that dosn't know how to work the computer, or know anything about cars. The computer is easy to use, you just select what comapny your car is and you have and they select it from a list. I ened up helping her go to the right menu to reach "Subaru 2.0L Impreza Turbo."
  5. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    the advance near me has idiots working there...i prefer pep boys, mainly cause my friend is a manager there haha.
  6. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Really? I'd kick someone right in the teeth. JK...

    I don't get the part about idots and girly-girls working in parts stores either. :wtf:

    Obviously the reason we havethese people is due to the mangament themselves being idots, but why do the owners or general managers let that happen to begin with?...

    I think we should petition auto parts stores to hire only ASE certified folks or at least teach and train thier people to provide knowledge and service that is up to par.
  7. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    It sounds nice in theory, but I'm betting that with what they pay their employees you're unlikely to get somebody skilled to stick around for long. The best you can hope for is a car enthusiast.
  8. Fast Joe

    Fast Joe New Member


    The $10 core charge was already on the receipt as a charge. They just straight up over charged me $10 on the battery that was no big deal until they gave me the attitude. I would have loved to put that battery up side the head of the idiot at the counter.

  9. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    That's what Im thinking. Sorry to hear about your bad experience :(

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