Airshow at Dobbins

Discussion in 'Art & Photography' started by bluelinescooby, Oct 20, 2008.

  1. For those who are interested in such things.... I was excited cuz I haven't seen the Thunderbirds in almost 20 years! I took about 630+ photos, and there would've been more had I gotten a chance to peruse the static displays.... I apologize to the photography gurus for the poor quality of some of the pics, I was using a longer lens and it seemed like the camera was having problems focusing on the faster aircraft.... anyhow, enjoy! :)
  2. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    Looks like a great time!
  3. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    I was at a car dealer on Cobb Parkway all Saturday. The jets were awesome!
  4. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    i agree...I live across from Dobbins and all we did on Sunday was sit out on the deck and watch them fly by.

    That's how I know I went to tech, that stuff is so freaking awesome...I had an aeronautical boner for 4 straight hours

    BTW, damn good shot

    Last edited: Oct 20, 2008
  5. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    Yeah, I heard it as well...also saw some sweet jets fly overhead...
  6. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    do you guys like these better than the angels?
  7. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    I sat in the south entrance of lockheed that they no longer used...great view and FREE.
  8. Lol, it was a free show anyway.... you just didn't have to pay $3 for a shuttle ticket and wait in line for 2 hours to get in and another 2 to get out.... and your sunburn probably isn't nearly as cool as mine.... :D

    I've never seen the Angels in person, simply because the opportunity hasn't presented itself.... I've seen their demos, both with the A-4's and the F-18's, but never live.... they're both extremely talented and dedicated teams, but if I had to pick I'd go with the Thunderbirds, hands down....

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