Ala. Region SCCA PDX track day 4/15/06 at Barber only $250

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by apexinghonda, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. apexinghonda

    apexinghonda New Member

    The Alabama Region SCCA is having a one day track event on saturday April 15th at Barber Motorsport's Park, a world class road racing facility. Non-scca members and novices are welcome. Early entry is $250 and in-car instruction will be provided. The goal is to give each run group four 25 minute sessions so there will be plenty of track time. Barber is a technical track with almost constant elevation changes and several complexes of interlinked turns. FIA, FIM approved and very easy on the tires. Awesome experience.

    To enter or for more details go to:

    Barry H.
    PDX assist. event chair
  2. 992.5RS

    992.5RS Member

    Sounds fun! I am going to try and make it. I need to buy a helmet before then though.
  3. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    they might rent them ?
  4. 992.5RS

    992.5RS Member

    Yeah. I am trying to find out if they do.

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