Alex/JPM Coachworks

Discussion in 'Product & Service Reviews' started by Captain Slow, Aug 20, 2009.

  1. Captain Slow

    Captain Slow Member

    This review is 3 years in the making. I first had the pleasure of doing business with Alex when he was still painting headlights in his driveway. :) Ever since, Alex has consistently provided awesome service, advice, and products. Over the years, I have bought several parts from Alex, many not JPM products, with no profit to him, yet he always provides awesome service. I also have a JPM Coachworks suede steering wheel, and it is such a quality piece of work. A year later, it still feels and looks fantastic. Their products match their service. On top of that, over the summer, Alex and Joe at JPM gave me a job working at the shop, during a time when no one else would hire me. Not only was it incredibly generous, but it also gave me a glimpse into the quality of work that they crank out of the shop. Need I mention that this forum would not exist if it weren't for Alex. I know everyone on this forum knows how kickass, but whatever, it need to be said again. Cliffs Notes: Alex is the shit, nuff said.
  2. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

    deleted. it was funnier last night after some firefly
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2009
  3. Captain Slow

    Captain Slow Member

    Haha. Maybe a little bit...:unamused: It's all good. :)

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