ANNOUNCEMENT: WRXatlanta Policies and Enforcement

Discussion in 'Community Announcements & News' started by miloman, Mar 11, 2007.

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  1. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    WRXatlanta was started up by a small group of friends. We saw what the other automotive forums had to offer and decided that we wanted something different, something without drama and the other turmoils that plague online faceless communities. WRXatlanta was started with these goals in mind. For a long time, WRXatlanta was run out of Alex’s and my pockets. This place is like our home. We decided to enforce strict rules on behavior so that the people who entered our home and shared our mentality would stay and those who felt differently would leave. Slowly and steadily a lot of people started migrating over to our mentality and WRXatlanta became more and more popular, growing into the rich and diverse community it is today.

    The members who shared our mentality and followed our rules never needed to be moderated. However, as the membership has grown, we do get the occasional members who treat this place like their own backyard. These people, among other things, bring an aggressive attitude, try to tell us how to run this place, ridicule our policies, or throw a fit when we intervene and moderate discussions. The following announcement is targeted towards those people:

    Do realize that WRXatlanta is privately owned and operated. Your participation and activity in this community is a privilege, not a right, and it can be taken away. If you enter our home and misbehave, we will take action. We don’t owe you an explanation. We don’t need to justify our actions. The rules here are set by us and will be enforced as we deem fit. There are plenty of other forums out there that may be better suited to your mentality. If you are at the receiving end of moderation from our staff, then WRXatlanta is probably not right for you.

    In the past, rather than take direct action, we have tried to explain ourselves when we intervene. This should not be wrongly interpreted as our weakness. When we have explained ourselves, people have poked fun by stating that it is our staff that causes drama. That is ludicrous. We attempt to eliminate drama here. And if we feel that taking the appropriate action is going to accomplish that, then so be it.

    We know that we run this place stricter than most others. Not everyone likes that. However we do realize that we can’t keep everyone happy. We’d rather cater to those people who share our views. The others can feel free to go elsewhere.

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