hello, I just registered here because gotsol from nasoic referred me here. the question is? is there someone around Savannah,GA that is willing to go check a car out on my behalf. I can definitely pay for gas and your time. If you are a mechanic or know one that you trust I am willing to pay to have it checked out, maybe a compression test if not too expensive Please let me know. thanks
I'm sure somebody will be able to help you out bro, we have 5-6 in the Savannah area, I'm sure one of them can help you out.... Hope everything goes well.... And Welcome to the club!!
I could do it, but my schedule is kinda erratic. Not sure when I'll be down there again. But I'm down there often enough I could
so I have to say thanks to Shawn and .... sorry I forgot his name, I am horrible with names. They have cheked the car out and now I have to talk to the guy and see if we can come up with a deal. The car is an RS '00 with new clutch and low millage engine, around 30k. Shawn told me that everything seemed fine but the tranny seemed somewhat noisy. Everything is stock besides the exhaust. he's asking 7,500 but I remember him saying that he would take 7,000. but it's still a lil steep. although the new clutch and engine make it appealing to me. what do you guys think?