Anyone game for Saturday?

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by 1ll-WRX, Aug 5, 2005.

  1. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    Anyone game for Saturday or Sunday?

    I know it's last minute but i was kinda gauging interest on a g2g this saturday the 6th....maybe meet up somewhere and install stuff..cookout....i have somethings to install saturday and kinda wondering if anyone else was too?....definitely flexible on the place and time as long as it's not too early... :wavey:
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2005
  2. j69raw

    j69raw Member

    sounds good to me! Time and place!
  3. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    well i usually install @ my work in alpharetta....there's plenty of room but i'm open for suggestions if anyone has any....
  4. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    im gonna be recovering from a massive hangover tomorrow
  5. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Haha...we'll see.
  6. SkullWRX

    SkullWRX Member

    gonna be at a wedding tomorrow. I could make sunday though....
  7. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    I gotta work sunday morning but sunday evening i'm open.....but i kinda want to do it on know how it is when you have a new part starring you in the face :eek:hnoes:
  8. SkullWRX

    SkullWRX Member

    i know. my uppipe and grounding kit are all but begging me to install them!! what are you installing?
  9. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    grounding kit.....damn maybe i will done one before?
  10. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    I'll be there to help ya... last night was a blast wasn't it?.

  11. SkullWRX

    SkullWRX Member

    i've ateempted one, somehow grounded out my car and it wouldn't start. I need to try again. It shouldn't be hard.... i've got lots of instructions from various sites.
  12. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    Yeah Sol was really cool last night...the band rocked!!...hey mark..are you available on Sunday cause i might wait and see if SkullWRX is down on sunday...we are both doing grounding kits? :ugh:
  13. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    i got some instructions last night on how to do it also NASIOC has some you have a drill?....i also have to mount a voltage stabilizer...
  14. SkullWRX

    SkullWRX Member

    if you're both cool with Sun that'd be awesome. I'm free all day so whatever your convenience is. as of 20 minutes ago I now have a lower H-brace in install as well.... mmmmmm 184 ft-lb control arm bolts to loosen again! Time to break another torque wrench! Mere, if you see this, can we maybe borrow your breaker bar???
  15. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    I will be there. Just give me a time and directions and we can make it a plan...

  16. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member where we meeting to install....i just need somewhere that has a drill and I'm golden.....
  17. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member


    Can you call me on my cell?. We can set up something for Sunday.

  18. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    yeah i'll give you a holla...
  19. SkullWRX

    SkullWRX Member

    If we're doing Sun, lemme know. I'll PM you both my cell. I don't have a place to install, but I *may* be able to get ahold of a drill... we'll have to see. It's corded though so it'll need a power outlet.

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