I'm planning on chopping some stuff up. One is a stock intake piece from an 02. The other is secret. However, my lumber saws aren't really cutting it - no pun intended. So can I borrow someone's dremel? PM me or something. Fanx.
It will cost as much in gas to borrow and return a dremel as it would to just buy one... seriously. Siegel
Ignore these guys ^^^. I have a Dremel you can use. I live in Alpharetta. PM me if you are interested.
got one in decatur also. hit me up if you still need one. i bet there's an attachment for a power drill you could use also. if it helps, bring the stuff over and just do in my garage. let me know.
If you still need it, I'm in Marietta, and have a dremel w/ most of the useful attachments, and this sweet flexible neck. I've also got a bandsaw and drill and press (would have to set that up). I'm always up for meeting up with Subaru folks, esp. for projects, so let me know.
You can use mine, but you have to use it at my house. My dremel never leaves my house If you break it, feel free to buy me a rotozip instead.