Anyone Scuba Dive???

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by AWD_Tiger, May 26, 2007.

  1. AWD_Tiger

    AWD_Tiger Member

    I'm getting my Open Water certification next month:) and wondering if anyone on here dives? If so, any tips for a new diver?

  2. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    I got that a few years ago but I haven't dove in a good good while. Tips?

    Don't forget while going deeper, after pressurizing your ears, to exhale occasionally from your nose otherwise you'll have a ring around your face from your mask.

    Never never never never wave to say "okay" after jumping in the water.

    Don't carry to much extra weight? I dunno anymore really. It's a blast though to dive! Where are your four open water dives for certification going to be? I had mine at Duck Key in Florida. Two dives at 30ft, one was a sunken barge. One at 60ft and one more at 120ft at the Thunderbolt. It's a sunken mine sweeper. Very spooky-like but it was fun!
  3. AWD_Tiger

    AWD_Tiger Member

    My dives will be in some local lakes(south carolina)

    Im really exited.. Clemson has a Scuba club so i will have some people (and gear) to dive with up here.

    Thanks for your advice!!

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