anyone want to meet tonight on barrett parkway

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by wrxboozer22, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. wrxboozer22

    wrxboozer22 Member

    hey i'm a new member and i wanted to see some wrx's out tonight..... so i know its late but i wanted to see if anyone wanted to come out and meet in front of REI outdoors off of barrett parkway... i am going to be there around 10:00 and i am in a grey 2006 wrx..... its across from Steak and shake on barrett..... thanks hopefully someone can come out....
  2. Kris

    Kris Member

    A lot of the guys meet at starbucks up there off Barrett by Provinos.
  3. wrxboozer22

    wrxboozer22 Member

    starbucks is fine

    i went through there last night and no one was there... i remember back in the day about 6 years ago that was the spot but i haven't been in this area in a while..... but if some wrx's are gonna be up there than that is fine with me starbucks it is.....
  4. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    sitting in parking lots FTL...
  5. XanRules

    XanRules Active Member

    yeah man, I don't think anyone does that anymore :\
  6. wrxboozer22

    wrxboozer22 Member

    people still do it

    There were probably 20-30 cars at the starbucks on barrett tonight (just a guess maybe more).... there was one black sti but i had no idea whose it and no one was standing around it so..... there were a couple of evo's and one new blue lancer that was nice.... there were a good bit of decent cars out there though...... we stayed for a minute but i came to see wrx's and there weren't any oh well.... i was wondering though if anyone knows if there are any meets this week in either the kennessaw or douglasville area.....if anyone wants to meet up around there drop me a line......
  7. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    I used to live off of BP from 2000-2007 and we would sometimes meet near the SB's, but I will tell you that meeting in parking lots does get pretty boring very fast. You should set up a meet at US Play...I know that people would like that...


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