As I was leaving the theater tonight after seeing Talladega Nights, I managed to get myself pulled over. I ask the officer why he pulled me over and he says that I ran a red light. I asked him politely if he meant the yellow light that I could see was still yellow in my rear view mirror as I went through the intersection. He then ask me if I have been drinking because I seem a little aggitated. I answer no and then he asks me if I am high. Again I say no. It was a really wierd exchange. He asks how I enjoyed the movie and I said it was great but being pulled over was a crappy way end the evening. He hands me back my license on sends me on my way with no ticket. Thats the first time I have ever caught a break but is it really a break if you haven't done anything wrong? I think he pulled me over because of the car and my noisy ass exhaust. Not a good combo to be driving around Town Center mall at midnight. Anyone got a stock STi axle back for sale?
Unless you were speeding or weaving that's just not right, pulling you over for no reason. Yep, it sounds like you were profiled dude, was there someone with you? If so, I wonder if having a witness in your car saved you from a bogus ticket too.
ha, he probably thought you were some young punk just looking for trouble, high on whatever you could get your hands on.
Pretty much same thing happened to me but with my exhaust. I started to call BS on him for saying my exhaust was illegal, and he "let me off with a verbal warning instead of writing it down on paper". bastards...
My wife was with me so I did have a witness but I doubt that would matter much if he wanted to mess with me. He was nice enough and I could kind of tell by his body language that he wasn't going to write me a ticket. He seemed a little dissapointed that he didn't catch a drunk or a street racer and wanted to get back out there quick. The whole thing took about 2 minutes before I was on my way again.
Thats happened before. I got pulled over in my conquest, and the cop was asking me questions about it... Not too many people know the conquest. :rofl:
dont act like you dont know how to google.
mike you've owned so many cool cars I wanted to get a starion, but the one I was looking at this time last year was housing a family of strange animals, prolly rats, lots of doodoo, the guy totally bsed me over the phone :/ I had a cop in forsyth talk to me about 240s for about a half hour while they searched my car. Why do I always get searched? I'm nice and polite. maybe to nice? lol
That happened to a friend of mine back when I was in the classic Mustang crew. He drove a 67 or 68 fastback with a new 5.0 in it. The cop pulled him over and didn't even make an excuse. He told him up front it was just to look at the car. Must have been a slow night.
I must have been drunk when I posted this. Usually I proof read my post. Aside from the lack of spelling or grammar , I never actually owned a Conquest. :slap: I did however drive my friends back in the day and it was a cool car.