I just recieved a letter from, what i believe to be, my leaseing bank and they said that due to some issues that my loan would not be accepted. this either means i have to return the car or figure out whats going. if this shit doesnt work out not ill just get my ass a job and a credit card and build some credit and just get myself a car for christmas. ARGH i hate credit!! *end of rant Alex/RX-8(might have to change screen name)
that sux man... hopefully it all works out... maybe its a sign that u need to get a subaru :bigthumb:
damn man, thats some :greddy: right there on top of some already :gaysex: In all seriousness though, I'm deeply sorry to hear about this all, as I told you last night, I know the feeling...it comes and it goes and in the end things have a way of working themselves out, whether its for better or for worse :grr: You know I'm here for you to call whenever for whatever. Best of luck and keep us all informed.
Well, i have some good news and bad news. the bad news is is that im not gettin a wrx. the good news is that i get to keep my car. i called jim ellis today and asked them what was going on and they said that whatever we got we could throw away because we were indeed accepted, just by another bank. im so happy that i get to keep my baby, thanks for the support. Alex/RX-8
as soon as i get a job, first will probably be a nice tint, then a new mazdaspeed flywheel, and a catback exhaust. i have to wait till spring next year will the mazdaspeed turbo or supercharger kit comes out, but i guess that gives me time to save. If you havent noticed, im trying to stay under warranty as long as posible, hehe, but if the mazdaspeed FI kit falls through then its a blitz supercharger kit, for that nice low end grunt that this car could use, not that 0-60 in mid 6's is anything to laugh at. Alex/RX-8
^^^^^^^^^^^^forgot to mention i want the mazdaspeed suspension, new springs and shocks, i thought this car had no body roll but apparently you can have even less.