Armor All Wheel Protectant

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by LoveMyNewSoob, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. LoveMyNewSoob

    LoveMyNewSoob Member

    So, I have been having some serious issues with brake dust. I know that this is a problem that will not go away, but I wanted to see if there were options to lesson the amount I see a day after I wash my car and had spend about an hour working through all the nooks and crannies of the stock BBS wheels. After looking around I saw some videos on Armor All Wheel Protectant so I thought I would give it a shot to see how it really worked (not a fan at all of any other Armor All product). I tried to get pictures of the wheels at about the same time every night and took them about every 3 days. It has now been almost 3 weeks since I sprayed this stuff on and I am very impressed. I sprayed only half of the front left wheel and then spayed the complete wheel for the other 3. This way I felt I could get a pretty good idea of what this stuff was doing. Another side note is I am currently running Hawk HP+ track pads (which are VERY dusty (and getting quite squeaky)). I had a track day in July and was planning on doing another this month so I just left them on. I know lazy...but whatever.
    Anyways, check out the pics below and see for yourself. All in all, I would say it is a pretty good product. I know there are probably places where I missed spraying, but my rims would be toast after about a week without this stuff.

    First Pic after washing the car - front left Sept 2


    Front Left Sept 5


    Front Left Sept 8


    Front Left Sept 11

    Passenger Side Sept 11 (entire wheels sprayed)


    Driver Side Sept 11 (remember only half of front is sprayed all of rear is)


    Front Left Sept 14 (I believe from about 8-2 o'clock was sprayed)


    Front Left Sept 17th


    Driver Side Sept 17th


    Passenger Side Sept 17th


    Front Left Sept 22nd


    Back Left Sept 22nd


    Passenger Side Sept 22nd

  2. nygiant

    nygiant Member

    i'm impressed and will definitely give this a try. thanks for the review
  3. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    the question is, how easy is it to wash off? does it come off any easier than without the product applied? simple hose off? i've been skeptical about products like this, but looks like it does a decent job.

    whats the rule when buying brake pads again?
    low price, stopping power, brake dust/noise = you can only choose two
  4. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    i used that stuff for a while. It was pretty impressive, I run hawk hp+ pads, and well its a understatement that they dust. Especially after a mountain or dragon run my wheels looked like they were charcoal.

    However with the armorall, I got the same result, the dust would be in a tiny blobs/balls and collect in the deep areas, and a lot of it washed off with a hose.
    I couldnt get it all off with just water, and at the time I only had sonax, and well... the sonax ripped all the armorall off.

    I never got around to trying to just wipe after rinsing to see if the coating would stay on. All in all i think it did well, but I'm personally not interested in trying it again
  5. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    it's called carnauba wax, try that
  6. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    ^^ forgot to mention, i switched to just waxing my wheels. yes more work but the shine is worth it to me
  7. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    The Audi guys swear by this stuff but I havent personally tried it. Might have to buy some if my local walmart would get more stock of the stuff.
  8. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    granted its been about a year since i tried it, but pretty sure I bought a can of it at target for close to 2bux less than walmart (yes i know odd). I think it was around 6bux at the time, and I did both my sets of wheels possibly twice
  9. LoveMyNewSoob

    LoveMyNewSoob Member

    I plan on updating this once the weather stops and I can get around to washing it because I am interested to know the same thing. I tried some new Mcguires tire shine a few weeks ago and the overspray kind of "stained" my rims...what a PITA!!! I had to scrub and scrub to get it off...even used some steel wool on the tough stuff. so, we will see with this stuff. :eek:hnoes:
  10. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    I wonder if Eco Auto Clean has a similar product?
  11. AutoxSTi

    AutoxSTi Member

    I used this before and it lasted almost a month for me. Wish there was a more semi permanent solution. Something that last 3-6 months would be nice.

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