hey guys. the meet will be held on the saturday, Jan 6th at 12:30. 1) members will get 10% off on the total price of the purchase. i think i will have tickets to print out for you guys so you can get discount. 2) the address for the place is: 1197 Peachtree St. NE Atlanta GA, 30361 (404)-817-0764 3) name of the place is: Jaffa Gate 4) it is a sit down style, but it is not like a restaurant. you order the food, and you sit at the tables in colony square. 5) parking in colony square is $3 an hour (which i think is an hefty price), but i usually park on the sidewalks next to the parking lots. it does say NO PARKING, but i rarely saw anyone get booted. however, if you want to be safe, i suggest you use the parking lot. it is atlanta, and anything can happen. 6) our store is open from 7:30 A.M. to 7 P.M. (we serve awesome breakfast as well). let me know if you guys have more questions. (Andy) 678-707-1890