Atlanta Motor Speedway Track Day

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by resipsawrx, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. resipsawrx

    resipsawrx Member

    If anyone is interested in an upcoming track day, Tracks Unlimited is putting on a one or two day option event at Atlanta Motor Speedway on the weekend of July 21-22nd. This is a fun 'roval" with an infield portion of the course that looks to be as fun as Daytona. Tracks Unlimited puts on awesome events, with tons of seat-time and instructors provided to those new to the track.

    Here is a link to the event on the website:

  2. jrat

    jrat Member

    has anyone here done this or something like it? that seems like a lot of money but i'm not familiar with track days so i have no concept of what's reasonable.
  3. mokinbird87

    mokinbird87 Active Member

    $250 for track day sounds awesome.. wish my car was ready for this kinda thing... it will be soon enough!
  4. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    They are usually around 500 for the weekend. Chin events are closer to 550. The offer of a single day is awesome. You don't normally get that.
  5. rx7scott

    rx7scott Member

    $250 is as cheap as it gets for a track day. I have done a bunch this year and Tracks Unlimited is a great one. I am registered for the 21st but I won't be driving the Subie, I'm still a little scared of hurting it , only 11000 miles and I don't have much self restraint at these events, lol.
  6. resipsawrx

    resipsawrx Member

    Thanks for the positive comments guys.

    I instruct with Tracks Unlimited, and I am usually the only Wagon on track. If you have done a track day, you know how fun it is to get your car out on track and see what you/the car can do in a pretty safe and completely legal environment. If you have not done a track day, and you are a member on this site - you really need to get out on track sometime. Our cars are designed for it.

    TU offers alot of seat-time for the money, usually 2-3 hours worth, with a fun "happy hour", where everyone is allowed on track for as much as you like during the last hour of the event.

  7. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    Hey Len, this is Matt with the beat to death bugeye that was instructing at the AMP event.

    Glad to see you on the board. I probably won't make that one but I'm going to try and work the Tracks Unlimited events in for the rest of the year.

    Very well run events. I had a great time instructing with them.
  8. resipsawrx

    resipsawrx Member


    Look forward to you getting back out, and maybe getting a few more runs on the Bugeye next time.

  9. lblinson

    lblinson Supporting Member


    any suggestions on helmet? Where to get one for decent price. I tried craigslist and they only had one that was a medium. I have a big head. I really have no idea about these whatsoever and would love some guidance. Definitely want to do this track day
  10. rx7scott

    rx7scott Member

    Summit racing has some nice cheap ones. make sure you are looking at SA rated helmets not DOT or M.
  11. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    not sure if up and running yet but will have a store up at AMP. give them a call, 770-716-5986 Ron will make sure you get what you need and at a fair price.
  12. dundunskeert

    dundunskeert Member

    You could also try cycle gear. They only have motorcycle helmets but if you get in a crunch they will work.
  13. slade1274

    slade1274 Member

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but looking for the Snell rating is what's important. SA is better than M, but both are "adequate"
  14. resipsawrx

    resipsawrx Member


    You need to be careful with the Snell ratings. Some track day companies require "SA" helmets, and some tracks, such as the new Atlanta Motorsports Park, will require "SA" helmets as well. The first couple of events at AMP allowed "M" or "SA", but I was told that only "SA" will do for future events (I was told this during an event on June 16-17th).

    Discovery Parts is an Atlanta based company with good prices. SafeRacer, Racer Parts Wholesale, OG Racing, and some of the big companies like Summit have helmets for decent prices. Some companies honor SCCA or NASA discounts. I just upgraded to a SA2010 G-Force helmet for about $225.00. Lots of companies will beat/price-match others if you ask. If you are thinking about track days, I would suggest going with a "SA" helmet. If you aren't quite ready to buy, check with the track day management to see if they have rental helmets available (well-before the event). Some do - some don't.

  15. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    SA helmets will have provisions for a Hans device, "M"otorcycle helmets will not.
  16. rx7scott

    rx7scott Member

    well went to the track day at AMS today, it was great. The track was way better than I thought it would be. I was thinking it may get boring but that never happened.

    But,,,,,,,,,, no Subaru guys came. There wasonly a WRX wagon that comes all the time to the events. No one from this site. You all really missed a great track day.
  17. resipsawrx

    resipsawrx Member


    Need to get your new WRX out - the Wagon hasn't blown up yet.

    "Only a WRX Wagon..." that hurt just a little bit.

  18. rx7scott

    rx7scott Member

    Lol, not "only a wrx wagon" , "only one wrx wagon"
  19. resipsawrx

    resipsawrx Member


    Must admit - very impressed with how you hustle that Yugo, or whatever it is, around the track.

  20. rx7scott

    rx7scott Member

    thank you, I really liked that track, I don't know why it is so hard to fill up that track day. I thought that was a really fun track. It just seems like there isn't much interest.
  21. resipsawrx

    resipsawrx Member

    Turnout was really dismal, but I agree - that place is pretty damn fun. I enjoyed it - 130 mph on the oval, fun little infield portion. It seems to be hard sometimes to just convince folks to give an HPDE a try, so much fun, and while there is always a risk, pretty safe generally. I would feel more at risk driving on the streets of the ATL than driving on a track.

    Maybe some may be interested in Atlanta Motorsports Park - a true road course and super fun elevation changes and technical corners. Hope to see some WRX guys out there next month.

  22. rx7scott

    rx7scott Member

    yes i understand that some people won't give HPDE a chance but at other tracks the turn out is great and they almost had to cancel the Atlanta Motor Speedway event for the second time this year. I was a little sceptical myself if it was going to be a boring track, but it really has made the top of my list as a fun track to run. I wish I could get the word out to the other guys in the club that it is worth going to because I would love to run it again.
  23. resipsawrx

    resipsawrx Member


    You and I will be brothers in arms, like-minded Subie guys, trying to convince are fellow five star friends to do what these cars were meant to do - go fast, turn well.

  24. SubieEngineer

    SubieEngineer Member

    I'll chime in... Track time is well worth it, especially if you've done autocross and want something longer with higher speeds and more seat time! Sure, it's "costly" up front, but it's just more wear on tires and brakes. As long as you have good pads and fluid and decent tires, it's hard to find another way of having as much fun on 4 wheels. Or 2, if you're incredibly brave. :lol:

    So Len, when's the next TGPR outing...? :D
  25. resipsawrx

    resipsawrx Member


    Thanks for chiming in. I will add this - I understand that money is an object for most people - believe me, I personally understand this. I understand that the "up-front" cost seems high, especially in relation to the typical autocross event.

    HOWEVER - you will never have the fun, and experience the true speed, and how good our cars are, until you get them on a track. If you look at, not the up-front cost, but the "return on your investment", you may start thinking like me - Given the choice, I would rather do one track day a year than 12 autocross events a year. And I was a hardcore autocrosser for seven years. At an autocross - you will be lucky to get 6 minutes of seat-time per event. Add to that how many ever hours of standing around in the sun, working or waiting. Typical track day equals 3 plus hours of driving, no working, no standing around in the sun unless you are just into that kind of thing.

    I am not sure about TGPR this year, but it is not out of the question. Spending a good bit of time at AMP, and in October, will hit Barber for the first time with the Tracks Unlimited gang.


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