Registration is open for Points 1: from: Hope to see some of you guys out there! -- Brian Bell Atlanta Region Solo Chair
Brian - is there a schedule somewhere? I checked soloatl and didn't see one. I figure session A is the morning and session B is the afternoon, but I need to know which heat i'm going to be in within the sessions to know whether or not I will attend
This doesn't tell me what I asked: I want to know what the heat breakdowns will be...more specifically, is SM running in Heat 1 or Heat 2
Why does it matter the heat/run group? You have to be there to work the group you're not running.... so you'll need to be there at 11ish and stay until it's over no matter what. You should come! If I'll be there there's no reason you can't be. Plus, I'd like to see what that things got.
my girl and i are signed up. Decker's fellas took care of my steering, installed a FSB w/ endlinks and replaced the Rack bushings. Gotsol i'm looking for you this year...
what are you driving this year? are you still in the VW or are you going to try getting into the turbo miata again?
I'm actually driving a white 1989 Honda Civic SI in ST for points. I am going to take the VW out for fun occasionally. I hope my buddy with the turbo Miata comes out once in a while. That car is stupid fast!
Well I was only one second slower in my R32 than in the Civic and yet I won ST in the Civic by almost a half second.