Atlanta Region SCCA Points Event #2 (Turner Field - March 25th)

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by rp1, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. rp1

    rp1 Member

    Points 2 at Turner Field - Sunday, March 25

    Deadline to register is Saturday, March 24 at 9:00!

    As usual with all Turner events, we'll have Daly's Grill coming out to our events for breakfast and lunch.

    Session B will be running in the morning and Session A will be running in the afternoon.
    - Session A: Stock and ST classes; Time only; RT classes
    - Session B: SP, P, M, F125, SS and SM classes along with PRO and RT PRO; Time only **Please note that SS has been moved to session B***
    - FJ classes will run in the 2nd run group of the morning.
    - Novice class will always run in the afternoon in order to allow the novices time to get ride-alongs in the last morning session. (Novices will be split between the two afternoon heats.)

    Pre-Registration is required for our events. Registration fees are $33 for card carrying SCCA members and $43 for non-members.

    2012 Run Groups Organization:

    - The day will be split up into 2 sessions, morning and afternoon, each having 2 run groups.
    - The sessions will alternate each event, running either morning or afternoon.
    - The session split will allow participants to know ahead of time when they are running over the whole season, relative to the morning and afternoon sessions.
    - The actual division of the sessions into the two run groups will be determined based on registration numbers and will be posted on the day of the event. The session attendance will be balanced across 2 run groups, rotating the classes so that the same classes are not always running 1st in the session.
    - There will be separate morning and afternoon check in and tech.

    ****New Registration Feature****

    Extra Afternoon Runs - you have the option to pay an extra $33 and take time only runs in the afternoon. This is only applicable if you are already running in the morning session! Yes - this is the same thing as the previous "extra time only". Please check out our updated time only policies on the soloatlanta forum.

    Novice Orientation - Atlanta Region offers one of the finest novice programs in the country! Our novice class is limited to 20 participants each event. You will receive information on how to prepare for your first autocross experience after registering. Please be advised: Payment for those participating in the novice orientation class will be collected within 2 days of signing up. Questions? Check out our forum on for more info on our Novice Orientation Program. The Solo 101 thread gives you very pertinent information.

    Turner Field Schedule:
    7:45 am - Gates open
    8:15 am - Morning Tech opens
    8:45 am Check-in opens
    9:30 am - Morning Tech and Check-in close
    10:00 am - First car off for first half of morning session
    11:00 am - Novice Orientation
    12:30 am - Afternoon Tech opens
    12:45 pm - Check-in opens
    1:00 pm - Morning session wrapped up, course open for walking
    1:30 pm - Afternoon Tech and Check-in close
    2:00 pm - First car off for afternoon session (including Novice)

    Follow this link to register:
  2. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    Come on out folks! I'm trying to hold my own in STX with te RX8s and James in the white STi is battling with M3s. Put all that power to the asphalt and have a blast doing it!
  3. Unidub

    Unidub Member

    Ill be there like always in STU #177 :)
  4. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    there were a lot of STi's out at this event. i'm not sure if they post up here, but if so, its always awesome to see Subaru peeps enjoying there cars.

    on a side note, i saw my favorite new bumper sticker on a STi Novice car:
    "My other rides your daughter!" Love it!

    Next weekend is the HUGE lot at AMS. bring it folks!

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