
Discussion in 'Meta' started by Nitro, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. Nitro

    Nitro Active Member

    it say's i can't post any???:hs: help?

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  2. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I just adjusted that, supporting members may post with attachments. Let me think on this, I may reverse the rule. If you are interested in supporting, click the link in my sig.
  3. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

  4. Nitro

    Nitro Active Member

    aigh't bet .....i'll do it tomorrow:wiggle:
  5. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    I still cant load pics says im over my limit??

    Manage Attachments
    Sum of all attachments owned by knhtrdr: 3.45 MB

    Exceeds your quota by 2.55 MB. Click here to view your attachments
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2007
  6. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    www.imageshack.us ftw!

    i know your on ia and know how to post images do it for free and get fulll size!!! free resizing. do it!
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2007
  7. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    yeah, but I didnt have to resize them they are already small enough but okay:)

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