I seriously enjoy trance, I know there are other members here who do too. I thought it'd be neat if we made ourselves into a little crew here on the boards and posted up when we found new mixes, and links to such. It would be nice to start sharing our favorite mixes and such. Im still thinking of ways to set this up effectively. If you're interested in joining, say so. Others need not apply. Confused? What is EDM? Learn more? Educate yourself. http://www.di.fm/edmguide/edmguide.html Cheers
im definitely interested... i dont have much of a selection either but i'll contribute the best i can
although im not into trance. i do have a europeon based p2p program. i can get some pretty rare mixes. pm me with the aritst name and song title or mix name and ill see if i can get it on there.
I have a buttload of essential mixes saved up, I need to get more they rock for car trips 50+ minute long full dj sets and just a lot of decent off the rack cds. I have about 20 gigs on my backup hard drive, need to get it working
If any of you use emule/edonkey www.goldesel.to is a GREAT european search engine. The site makes stupid porn popups when you first go to it but then you can close them out.
shareaza is good also you can run torrents off it, I have no spyware or shite from it I used to use Kazaa (no ghey versions), before the days of it getting nailed by RIAA crap files, and had great luck looking for anything hard to find on it
well, well, well... something i can finally help on.. tell me what you want. Was a producer/dj for years of all genres of electronic music, specializing Trance, Progressive, and Deep House. Some friends and I run a site called plusorminus.org its devoted to all things dance, (mostly House kids on there, with a few trancers) huge downloads section for sets, just register.. and if you have any issues with it, let me know.. Also I'll be setting my studio back up in january, so if anyone wants to make their own set, i got over 1400 records, 2 turntables, but sorry no microphone.. sorry for bragging, i just love music!
yeah, people's definition of 'trance' can vary wildly depending on who you ask. Heck, i say its anything longer than 4 minutes with no words. ;p
Trance: ~135 - ~145 BPM "Trance had become a dirty word. Thanks to Ian Van Dahl, Lasgo, Flip 'N' Fill and DJ Sammy, a generation of kids has grown up thinking trance is the shittiest music since country and western." - Paul van Dyk
i love trance myself i jsut prefer some kind of vocals. Conjure one is a recent one i downloaded, and smith and pledger.
Educate yourself. http://www.di.fm/edmguide/edmguide.html Blink, I may take you up on that offer, I'd love to put down a few sets. I've only spun a few times before :hs: More importantly, how do we want to share? Do we all want to go in on hosting and just ftp up/down new sets, files, etc?
What are some good CDs/mixes to get for a beginner trance listener? My techno experience has just been a little BT and the occasional PvD.
Van dyk talking smack about ANYONE is particularly ridiculous. :rofl: especially with his indirect smack to country music.
while i find it counterproductive (especially for a young form of music) to trash any genre(because cross-genre musical influence is as old as cross-cultrual fucking), van dyk would be as valid a spokesperson as any of the "fathers" of modern trance to express dismay about certain djs/producers that dillute or discredit their own genre. while he has released "shit", so has just about any artist if you look deep enough (this goes as far back as classical and to even the earlier baroque period... read: bills need to get paid). i suffered the same frustrations as a composer so i do understand the lash-out (i used to play stuff like vai, hendrix and paganini with my eyes closed for warm up, and found myself composing "nirvana-esque" for pay) just sayin now as far as introductory mixes are concerned... it's a tough call, you'll get a lot of different opinions from different people. late 90's trance was very vocal and arranged in the same style as 4 classical movements, while more of it today is minimalist based... non-the-less good trance is good trance in my book. old albion, bbe, or mystica(albeit a one hit wonder) are still just as cool as some of the more modern comps iio, andain, tiesto, gtr, zeibela or what have you. check out the sites posted, also go to tranceaddict.com and grab some of the live sets there too. i've got stupid amounts of live sets, mix cds and tracks (if i were a younger man i would probably have pursued dj/production) and some of my favs are (note i lost a hard drive months ago and with it sadly some good nick warren, acosta, digweed and others with it) matt hardwick - promo cd oakenfold - china, goa silver, sydney (are pretty much staples and a good example of elctro arranged in the classical style with perceivable movements-particularly the goa set) perfecto - another world & chills (oakey's label, not all trance but still good) van dyk -politics of dancing (both 1 & 2 are a good barometer) -Essential Mix (04-23-00) - pvd_live at club U60311 sven vath - is always doing interesting stuff just look him up george acosta - again look for live sets john digweed - just about any damn live set (considered to be "the" pappa trance man... but opinions differ on this also) sasha - airdrawn dagger (i'm not a big fan of this one, but some people swear by it, his live stuff is better, make sure he's with digweed, john usually keeps him sober enough not to pass out over the decks) that's just a start... i KNOW i'm missing plenty here, but it's just an introduction. i guess the next step is really for all of us to say "i would like to find..." and someone else has it. maybe at some of the g2g we could bring a cd (or rather a laptop with cds heh heh )we particularly like so others can get exposed to it and see what they might like? just thinking aloud.
this is another place to check out free tunes. http://music.download.com/2001-7983_32-0.html?tag=nav_dir& they have tons of different genres. Trip-Hop is favorit in the electronic cat. also, check out the stoner indy and stoner rock. it's trace in a different kind of like. at least it makes me zone out.
I like what you've said Jimmi. I'd have to agree on most points and throw in a bit more information for kicks. Acosta (Awake), Digweed (Northern Exposure I-III with Sasha, etc), Sasha (See Digweed), Zven, Nick Warren (and the rest of Way Out West), Oakenfold (tranceport, ibiza, global underground), Tiesto (in search of sunrise, just be, parade of athletes, etc), Van Dyk (Out there, 45RPM, Politiks of Dancing,etc), Delerium (Live sets = win), Fergie(Live sets = win), Blank and Jones (Live sets = win) are merely just a few of my favorite artists to come to mind. All of which have cds and live sets floating around the net that are worth your time. As most know, oakenfold entered the scene with an explosive reaction and almost overnight became a top DJ for the world. Its been up and down since. His career seems to be on a downturn, but he's still fun livem and his older cds are just as amazing (ny global underground, tranceport). What we have seen here recently is a battle for top ranked dj's, tiesto, oakenfold, van dyk, etc. Tiesto has been up there for a while now but was recently dethroned. There are other artists, that stem outside the realm of trance but fall into basic dance like say BT for example. This man has been making beats for almost 15 years, and he's incredible at it. He's been the artist behind a lot of the catchy beats in pop today and yesterday (see nsync, etc). His most recent cd, Emotional Technology, is 100% worth listening to (and drive to). I really do recommend everyone check out the EDM link I posted, it sheds a bit of light and history onto the obscurities of trance and electronica in general. Its definately worth the read. I found it funny, before I met my step sister (and that portion of my family remarried), she was quite the clubber in chicago (home to house, and where a good bit of clubbers arose as prime djs) and ended up working her way in with the djs, friends, etc. Apparently, she dated Sasha for a good bit and always has some pretty interesting stories about him and Digweed. Im saying this pretty much to affirm what jimmi said about Digweed helping to keep Sasha in cheque. Both of those guys do so much of everything Im amazed they just dont keel over on the spot, haha. What am I listening to now? Tiesto, Live at the Heineken Music Hall 12-03-05 . Its pretty good thus far.
great info alex... there's a LOT of really good stuff out there (and i think i've heard every piece you mentioned, but i haven't heard the latest tiesto... i'll have to check that out fer-shur). is it just me or did mystica's "bliss" (trk 01 on Oak GUNY02) show soooo much potential and squandered it on all it's other "psy-pop" crappola. sad, it's one of my all time fav tracks.
Heck yeah man! The first time I heard that track I wasnt sure what to think, it absolutely destroyed any expections I had for that cd. It was such a shock, I instantly fell in love with it. Unfortately, I lost 01 (on both sets of the cds I own) lol. Another cd worth looking into is the Ibiza History of Trance, the trance greatest hits if you will. Its definately worth a listen. For those who do not know, Ibiza is an Island off the coast of spain and is world reknown as the trance capital of the world. Oh, I hadnt heard Oakenfolds Goa mix, so Im downloading the live set now from 94, as well as another live set from Tiesto, Live at Duplex Praduge (11/20/05). By the way, the set Im still listening to (Tiesto @ Heineken ~ 2 hours long) is amazing. It has one of the greatest mixes of Portishead's roads I've ever heard. It has a few of the classics mixed in as well. For anyone who watches Nip/Tuck, on the eyob link I posted G&B mixed a new version of theme song, its one trippy beat.
next time there's a g2g i can get to i'll get you the 01/02 cd if you want. make sure its the "goa silver mix" (there should be NO background noise and it should start with a woman's voice acapella) it's awesome, there are blade runner clips all throughout it. i can get you that one too if the one your dl'n isn't the same (trust me there's no substitute to the silver mix) because i know he did another one called live in goa i think. there's another set where he has dead can dance strung throughout too, i can't remember the set location. i've been wondering if the ibiza compilation was worth a crap, but now i will def check it out tiestos stuff kicks ass (now)... his earlier stuff was a bit on the sophmore side, but he has really grown as a dj and a composer(just be-for example), when i found out that greece was going to have a dj do original stuff for the opening ceremony i nearly cried... i never thought i would see the day that such an important event would be "spun"... and he did a masterful job. they actually contacted him by phone and he hung up on them the first time thinking it was fucked up joke lol. also, did you say you have oakenfold Live in Ibiza? You have GOT to get that one too, it starts with "open your eyes" by insigma. thanks for that link, i can't dl now, but i'll have a few machines going this weekend milo, i would love to hear some local goa... it's very good stuff. i've only heard a few (sitars and whatnot) oh and while we're talking trance, who went to that pvd show? was it good? i really wanted to make that. i'm on liquified's mailing list so i'll give a shout out if i hear anything good coming up. i'll also post up the mail list the next one i get so whoever can sign up if they want to.
i had a few goa and buddha trance cds... the goa stuff is pretty fast paced... havent heard any in a while but my favorite used to be goa gil... the buddha stuff is more chill stuff... both very cool
i would very much like to hear the buddha trance... i know goa, by nature, is a pretty swift bpm. must...rip...and...post for us! oh, and whoever mentioned the conjure one.... i completely agree (same dude from delirium just different tone) it is totally worth getting... unfortunately it was a project and he only did one cd that i know of. but get it none the less.
Do we all want to dig up some cheap hosting with just straight storage space and bandwidth (high) so we can share or just share through torrents and such ?
weeellll... if it's just for storage and ftp access, then we could just get something really cheap and share the logins (i seriously doubt 25 of us will need to access it at one time)... but then there's the issure of bandwidth, think at least 100MB files times how many user/dl's a month? hmm what's the norm 25GB per plan per month? of course then there's the issue of possible copy infringement issues if the service provider has shittons of traffic.... prob not likely i dunno (just playing the devils advocate here, the riaa can floss their teeth with my asshairs as far as i'm concerned)
Well, 2 things. First, record companies do not own lice recordings, artists do. Second, all of our trance artists (aside from acosta) are labeld with european labels which Im almost 100% sure do not care about the RIAA (and vice versa). It is something to note though, but I dont really think it would be a problem.
For those interested, the set I got earlier today, Tiesto in Prague in November, is amazing. I havent heard a mix this good in a long time!
Trance is a form of eletronica, dance music if you will. Although some would had me shot on sight for classifying it so ambiguously, there's no real reason to ever get that indepth with it. Its music with strong, hard hitting (sometimes distorted bass), soaring synths, and just a melody that makes you want to move. I enjoy it for working, hanging out, etc. Its as great dancing music as it is background noise. A good bit of clubs play some sort of electronica, those which cater more to the clubbing crowd will have a trance like (or house occasionally) enviorment., A mix, a set, etc are just names for a compliation a dj has produced. A live set will be a recording from a recent show a DJ did. Most commonly, you have your composer and you have your mixer. A fair amount of your clubbing DJs are mixers. They're talented at matching beats, creating rythms, getting the floor moving. They take their favorite songs from composers and "mix" them together to create a "mix, set, etc". The live sets tend to be at least an hour, and at most I've seen/heard 4 hours. Most common though are you 2 hour sets. In case there's more, a lot of people are commonly confused about what a "rave" is. It began in the basements, it was dirty, fast paced, strung out, gritty. So many people packed together, all on whatever they're on moving to a beat. Now, raves have really grown into the mainstream (if you will) and out of their dirty gritty beginnings. They're larger, more popular, all around a completly different beast from what it once was. The club scene is growing now, DJs are making a profession of making music like any other artist. There's a lot more too it of course. Check out the site I posted in the first post, it has a basic history of eletronic music as we know it, from Disco to Ghetto Booty Bass.
All this talk has had me digging up older cds, I forgot how great this cd was. Its one off the Global Undeground City sets, Dave Seaman, Global Underground: Melborne. What Sound - Lamb (Tom Middleton Remix) has got to be one of the best on there.
Trance = great highway music at least to me some drives I've frequented are not the same without the trance
ASOT - A State Of Trance - Armin van Buuren, best new trance mixes out there, too bad it was taken off IDT radio.
Hey GT stop by my house sometime during this week, i'll hook you up with some of the above's, and some of my own mixes. Alex your more than welcome, to come spin.. also if anyone goes record shopping, i do about twice a month, i'd love to have a listenin company. (Satellite Records)
wow i completely forgot about seaman... another great dj, i know i have some live shit of his somewhere on a drive (if that didn't get lost too), seb fontaine's got some great sets as well. you're right about the riaa thing, i forgot this country doesn't really give a shit about electronica (unless they're trying to sell something or score something) oh and to add a bit to the "mix" definition... on the more abstract/ethereal side-the dj is basically a sonic shaman of sorts, his job is to get one track to flow into the next (that's the "mix/beat-match" part), the overall goal is to guide the groove and mood of the room through an aural (and tactile from the bass, and visual if you want to include some of the better visual shows like RITM and others) journey. your better djs (i'm speaking more to trance now, but this can apply to all styles) will have a keen sense of musical structure, tempo shift, key progression/shift, sonic texture and tone (again i can't push this enough, listen to the goa silver mix as it really is a great illustration of someone accomplishing all of the above, so is tranceport). when it's all done well, you should be barely able to percieve (unless you are really paying attention or mix yourself) one track to the next until you're already well into it... if at all. the radio show (the few bits i've heard) was awesome (and the little bit that i understood when they were talking was cool lol)... the ASOT '04 and '05 are worth getting too so is "shivers". i would definitely like to hear some of your mixes sometime too.
okay i'm getting outta here, but maybe we could get a trance swap going or something at one of the get togethers, hell i'll try to come to the install day in jan just to bring and collect some cool tracks (oh, i cook a lot too but it looks like alex has got that nailed, happy to help sometime though
hey any Dave Ralph or Sasha fans in the hizzie?.....also and i know it's not trance but "Hard House", does anyone have any new Bad Boy Bill sets? his last cd was weak (too many drag queen samples for me) and i kinda stopped listening to him but willing to give him another shot....i know he was just here not too long ago..j/w?
actually my wife is from chicago (well illinois and they had stations devoted to booty) and i have these sets that i got for her... don't know how new they are from 2001 (vol3, london, and a live set that has an incomplete name) sure there's sasha fans here read up ^
Ok, now to ask another newb question: Does anyone recommend any of the OTS software for music mixing/creation? I have always had an interest in trying this, but the software seems kind of intimidating for someone with limited time. Do any of you guys use anything that you would be willing to demonstrate?
I have Weapon of Choice on vinyl, I've not had a working player, I wanna fire it up. I need to dig them out but I have some 200gram LPs that sound
if i may make a suggestion. For those wanting a cheap and very good collection of electronica and lightweight trance on cd... ... goto a used video game store and pick up the following playstation games: Wipeout WipeoutXL Wipeout3 each of these games should be around $5, and in addition to being fun games, they are red-booked cds and can be played/ripped. Propellerheads, shasha, chemical brothers, FSOL, prodigy, and lots of other good stuff.
Good idea man. And yeah, I like Ralph, Christopher Lawrence, and of course Sasha. Jimmi, I'll see you at the SRDEC, so we can talk then.
sorry got into this post late and was too lazy to read ALL of it...i'm pretty sure i have all the bangin the box volumes and london but would definitely be interested to checkout the live set!!!.... :naughty: