Hey everyone, Just wanted to toss up a quick note. This Saturday we'll be having a small cookout at the new hand auto detail place I'm helping open part time out in Buckhead. We're going to be planning a bigger one in a few weeks; but figured I'd toss the idea out if anyone else wanted to come out. We're looking to get some people to start hanging out there regularly and this is one of the things we'll be doing. We'll start grilling around 11am and it'll last until we're done... Probably mid-afternoon... It's free if you have your car detailed ($15 for outside ($17 on a wagon), $20 ($23 on Wagon) for inside and out on a car and it's $20/25 for a truck. Wax's are based on quotes... If you get your car detailed; don't forget to tip, detailers live off tips just like servers do. More details to come for the bigger g2g. If you don't have your car detailed and just wanna stop by for the lunch, it'll be $5 for hamburger or hot dog, chips, and a drink. Come loiter in Buckhead; our average car coming through is $70k+ and for us guys, the women that come through are gorgeous. Our first day of business was this past Saturday, so it's slow right now and we're trying to get more people to come hang out. Signage is at a minimum right now as well; still waiting on that to come in. We're also going to be opening up a performance shop in the car shop attached to our building for tires, rims, brakes, exhaust and suspension in the next month or so. Dynameter (Dynojet), performance alignments, high speed balance, etc... Anyway - just wanted to extend an invitation. If you wanna come, just stop by at some point during the day. We open at 9am and close at 6pm. Feel free to bring out the girlfriend, roommates, friends, etc - whatever... I'll keep an eye on the thread and see if anyone's interested in coming out. I know it's short notice, but just figured I'd toss it out here. Any questions; 770.289.4352 is my cell. Finally, the address is: In & Out Auto Detail (it's the old Jeep & Chrysler dealership on Piedmont near Peachtree) 3126 Piedmont Rd Atlanta, GA 30305 Hope to see you there!
I guess these are all hand wash, right?? when you say detail inside for $20, do you shampoo seats as well??
Here are the services and their prices: .........................#1 Exterior.......#2 Ext & Int......Express Detail Car...........................$15................20..................32 Wagon........................17................23..................35 Std SUV / Mini Van.......20................25..................40 Lrg SUV......................23................28..................45 Suburban, etc..............25................32..................52 #1 Consists of: Exterior hand wash, chamois dry, wheels cleaned, tires dressed, outside windows cleaned #2 Consists of: #1 plus interior vacuum, door jams cleaned, wipe dash & all inside trim, inside windows cleaned Express Detail #2 plus major cleaning detail (not including shampoo or wax) A La Carte Services: Mat Shampoo --> $3/each Bumper Renewal --> $5 ea./$8 both Leather Treatment --> $30 Frnt-Rear Odor Treatment --> $3 Trunk Vacuum --> $3 Rain-X --> $5 Anti-Fog --> $5 Scratch Removal --> By Quote Waxing will be quoted on an individual vehicle basis Hopefully this adds a bit of clarity; and yes, everything is done by hand. Including waxing; no high speed buffing is used...completely by hand.
sounds nice. also great prices. i will try and make it out. it is getting warmer out, so maybe there will be some eye candy out aswell:naughty: . sounds good
wow i live some 10 minutes from your place. I'll try to stop by as the legacy needs some love and i'm feeling lazy. Hope it goes well for ya!
Sounds good - I picked up the grill and goin to get everything else tonight. Hope some of you guys can make it out tomorrow; should be at least a bit relaxing and if any of you guys show up I'll make sure you get taken care of! Gotta represent the Scoobies! See you tomorrow!
Can we get this option? lol http://www.autoblog.com/2007/03/23/new-owner-welcomes-vauxhall-vxr-astra-with-most-comprehensive-ca/ my fav line: its an astra FFS!
Don't forget to tell your friends about it too! We want as many as people as possible to show up - so invite everyone you know! And dude... I'm actually gonna talk to RJ (the owner) about getting that Zymol $7k wax... We actually do a lot of Aston Martins and other exotics; so we might start offering a $750 wax... That's a fuckin awesome wax...
I dunno - but the way our clients sometimes think - if the wax costs us $7k, they are going to assume it's a better product...haha
I knew zymol did something right! I dont know if I can make it tomorrow, but I would like to get the car detailed before the GT autoshow on the 31st.
To everyone that came out - Thanks! We had 2 guys from the club show up and a random white WRX (saw my car out by the street) show up today. I let him know about the site and he said he'd check it out... 4Sevens - sorry the food wasn't ready by the time you and your son arrived; we were a lot busier today than we thought we were going to be. Had a great day though! I'll post more details on the next one in the coming days. Looking forward to seeing more of you out there!