Auto-X 8/14 at lil Talladega

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Trey, Aug 11, 2005.

  1. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    Anyone coming? We have a crew meeting Sunday at the BP gas station across the street from the Downtown Varsity at 5:30am SHARP! Come out if you get a chance.
  2. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i wish i could but i'll be travelling
  3. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    that's the same day as SELOC show....
  4. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    yes sir it is
  5. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    no bueno :thumbsdow
  6. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

    sorry, seloc got me first. Sounds fun though.
  7. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    i'm lazy, i'm going to the bmw cca autox.
  8. 1984

    1984 Member

    I just watched a video from last year's event there, and I think I made a mistake by prepaying for the BMW event :(. Good luck Trey and have a safe drive.

  9. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    i would love to go, but I am having this suspension issue now and am afraid to push my rear struts.
  10. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    blah, i got in-law stuff to do... by the way i'm about to pick up a helmet, any recommendations? i don't really like the open-face types, but if i have to go with it i will.
  11. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    I'm there as usual
  12. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i picked up an HJC from the bmw motorcycle dealership on cobb parkway... cost around $150
  13. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    do you use an open-face?
  14. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

  15. 1984

    1984 Member

    This is my helmet. Has a huge eyport but has th chin bar like a closed face.

    Attached Files:

  16. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    nice, thanks to both of you for your input... i see a bandit helmet that i like, but damn they co$t.
  17. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    SELOC? Your priorities are messed up man. :p

    JFWY. :D

    I too have that same Bell Helmet. It's great and isn't all sweaty like the loaners at the auto-x :crook:

    Check out as they have the GForce line that is usually cheaper.

    If you plan to road race (Road Atlanta) you'll need a helmet with an SA2000 rating as the M2000 ones won't pass tech inspection. Keep that in mind.

    See some of you Sunday! :)
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2005
  18. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    yeah, yeah, i know priorities and shiznitz. prob see ya at the 8.27 mtn run though.

    i like the bell, but i just found a simpson bandit sa for a reasonable price... anyone have any experience with these? looks like it's got nice ventilation.
  19. married05gt

    married05gt starting over

    are you not going to seloc :ugh:
  20. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    You guys missed out. The auto-x was totally DRAMA FREE!! :lol:

    Here is a neat pic someone took of my car:


    I have the full rez one as my wallpaper.
  21. 1984

    1984 Member

    Wish I could have made it, looks like it would have been a blast. I just look at the preliminary results, good job Trey :)
  22. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    Thanks man!

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