Beginning of Summer Mt Run?

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by RamblinWRX, Apr 12, 2006.

  1. RamblinWRX

    RamblinWRX Member

    Wouldn't a mountain run to kick off the summer be great, late April-mid Mayish? It's getting increasingly nicer outside...
  2. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    keith has been planning something
  3. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    There will be something, but I am STI-less at the moment. Hopefully have my baby back next week.
  4. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    u could always ride shotgun with me :D
  5. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    is this going to be a "run" or "cruise".....
  6. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    i might have to ride with someone as my car has been running rather shotty latly.
  7. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Whats up ?
  8. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    OMG YES!:ddirty: (dam that was waay to dramatic sorry)
  9. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    *sigh* drama king :sx:
  10. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    oh dang...i'll be back on the 20th of May...can't yall wait for me to get back?:p i'm thinking if ya'll can hold about the 21st which is a Sunday. maybe too late? or u guys can do one late Apr, then again late May.;)

    bigb...ur always welcome to ride with me bro. why is ur car in the fritz?
  11. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    it will be like the last one. a cruise
  12. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    my car is starting to smoke a little, it needs new brakes, and it just feels funky. im gonna have it looked at soon.
  13. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    I really hope it's going to be in May or earlier. The last one was the shiznit and there's a good chance we can get the Savannah crew to come to the next one.

    The people I told about the last one seemed very interested. Especially when I told them my oil temp got up to over 100 C because of being on the boost so much. :D
  14. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    yeah, been wanting to join up w/ a crew that was heading up to do a mountain cruise. just give me a date, and i will be there.
  15. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    we should do a dragon run (or cruise) this summer ;)
  16. jayscoobiedoo

    jayscoobiedoo New Member

    Im In for the run with my 98.x % Stock Ride

    02 PSM Wrx
  17. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Hey jay, welcome to the site. Glad you decided to join. I think 02 WRX's are cool as fawk just because they're so rare.

    If we do another Mtn. cruise I'm sure we'll want as many people to come as we can just cause that's what makes it great.
  18. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

    i'll be down for another run, couldn't make the last one. :sad:

    welcome jay :wavey:

    02 wagon's are even rarer... or more rare. :D
  19. wrxguy

    wrxguy Member

    ill go but im not driving. But ill ride with someone. I think im still a little freaked out from the last one.
  20. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

  21. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

  22. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Or we can all show up at the many atlanta area autox events this april *cough cough*
  23. savsuby

    savsuby Member

    that sounds fun I will come up from Savannah. Just tell me when
  24. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    If I can get a car in time then I'll probably make it!
  25. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    so we gonna do the cruise and cook out deal again?
  26. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    I vote yes for the cookout. That was a lot of fun IMO.
  27. jayscoobiedoo

    jayscoobiedoo New Member

    I Just Moved down frokm Atl from DC, and im at Charlotte during the week, whats goin on in Atl in Apr?Meets, AutoXs ? Do you guys have a Regular wrx atlanta meets goin on? im sorry im not posting much, was having trouble logging in from work!
  28. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    It's all good man. Welcome to WRXatlanta and well, yeah I think there are some pretty good events for April and May. The G2G section should have them listed, there may be various threads about meets and the mods keep links in thier signatures to some good one too.
  29. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    Hopefully I'll be free the day it happens.
  30. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    :wtc:NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO gonna be out of town on that weekend. But mabe i can get out of it. :naughty:
  31. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    It will be another cook out again. Stay tuned.....

    *need the subaru back first :)*
  32. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    any word on your Suby yet??
    Still gonna have it back in 10 days
    /end tj/

    oh yeah, I'm ready for another frickin' cruise already
  33. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    Hello Jay,

    Welcome to the site. It is good to see more folks from the DC area. I am originally from Bethesda,MD. There are a few of us that are from the DC/MD/VA metro area. You will really enjoy the forums. Hope to see ya soon...


    I totally agree with Alex....Porter has set up a huge g2g and maybe we could organize a caravan for those interested. I heard Tail of the Dragon is really cool and a lot of fun...

    Last edited: Apr 15, 2006
  34. jayscoobiedoo

    jayscoobiedoo New Member

    Yeah Seems like fun, but also a Logistical Nightmare if theres too many of us, any of you guys plan to go?
  35. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    ^^I see what you mean, The crowd we had last time was not to big but a few more cars wouldn't hurt either.
  36. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    :keke: :keke: :keke:
    Still, :keke: :keke: :keke:
  37. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    I was just thinking about a day trip out there. I don't think it is that far. Plus, it would be a cool caravan also. It shouldn't be that bad logistically, we can all meet at a central place and just head on out to the Tail of the Dragon and meet up with the other guys and gals.


    BigB, did you ever get those hoses fixed like you wanted to?. I still want a ride in the beast...LOL...

    Last edited: Apr 16, 2006
  38. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    haha mark, not yet man...i rigged it enough to work for now. Car is needing a little bit of tuning. i will be garaging it for a while soon. Got alot of things i wanna do to it.

    i think the dragon weekend would be fun. I am still down for a fishing/camping trip up in the north ga moutains, but thats just me.:)
  39. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    Yeah, a fishing trip would be cool, but I wonder how many people on this forum would actually go?.

  40. jayscoobiedoo

    jayscoobiedoo New Member

    Im all for any Trip with us Atlanta Suby Folks, Caravaning aint a bad idea Either, if you guys do i will drive there from Charlotte!

    Count me in if you wanna Caravan for the Dragon!
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2006
  41. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    I would definitely like to caravan. I will be out of town in FL. from 5/15-5/27. I was thinking about doing a day trip...Sound interesting Jay?. Are you from DC originally?. Just curious. I am from MD.

  42. jayscoobiedoo

    jayscoobiedoo New Member

    Yeah Im Down with the Day Trip we could Caravan Sunday, i will be in Charlotte till 5/26. Well i lived in Herndon VA to be exact, Did you ever get to hang with the DCAWD Folks?

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