best wrx and s2k video ever

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by emstraumajunke, Jan 9, 2006.

  1. Just one problem im on dial up and cant up load it to a video host site. If someone wants ill email them the video and they can post it on a site for me. Its not a race video. Its me and my honda friends in La. MY friend blew the rear end up in his s2k so i had to tow him to a safe spot. Its actully funny. Plus theres a shot of the RHD interga at the end of it.
  2. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    email it to me, i'll put it up on google
  3. most ISP's email service is slower than their connection speed... your best bet is to burn it to CD and then go to a pc on cable or DSL. If you go to school, use a school PC or maybe a library PC.
  4. It was emailed to me so i just foward it. But it was taken with a video phone and its in a weird format so most site wont let you upload it.
  5. Ooooooh, that makes sense then. I thought it was a size issue because you mentioned dial-up, not a format issue. :)

    Let us know when its posted up!

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