Ksource and I happened to run into each other at the discount tire off of busbee (across from the PGA Tour store). I was ordering new wheels and Ksource was checking into some tire info. Anyways, we saw a Black '04 STi roll up and a brand new white EVO MR right behind it. After dropping his car off to have tires rotated the guy hopped into the evo with (we are assuming his g/f) and rode off to lunch or soemthing. Anyways, we were just curious if it was anyone on here... P.S. tag said AMONSTA
Hey, I saw you guys. I thought I saw 3 suby's 2 in the bay and 1 in the lot. I live behind there in the new townhomes.
hmm, maybe. Ksource didn't get anything done. i had a nail taken out of one of my tires. but i didn't see another one. my count was 1WRX (me) and 2 STi's (you and Ksource)