Just wondering if it was anyone on here. I pulled up next to you on Lawrenceville-Suwanee in a silver 04 wagon. My wife saw you the other night on Riverside/120 area. Just wanted to say :wavey: and your car sounds great.
Well....it was a newly purchased vehicle..and I think it was a bug-eye too...but im not 100% positive.
Ive also seen this guy and shared a few brief words with him at a red light. Its a bugeye wagon and, as stated above, it was recently purchased. Seemed like a nice guy, he may not have made it to the boards yet.
I believe I saw you one day...blew by me to catch a mustang gt conv. who thought he was the man....and then proceeded to crawl up his rear!!! If that was you.....that was funny as hell.
Nah that wasnt me I dont think. If it was a while back, it may have been, but I cant rememember, LOL. I keep seeing a silver wagon with black wheels like yours up in the Braselton area. Do you ever go up that way?? EDIT: Nevermind, I just noticed that it says Year One in your signature, so it must have been you. Do you work there? I know Ive seen you at the wendys a couple times.
the guy is a kid who works with me, he just picked it up a few weeks ago. i dont believe he is on the boards.
Cool...couldn't really tell how old the guys was since it was at night. Would you have been the one that went after the GT the other day...blowing my doors off???
It was probably about 2 weeks ago...some guy in a conv. Gt was trying to act cool next to me at a traffic light on lawrenceville-suwanee road near taylor road and he raced away then out of nowhere comes a white sti that just blows by me and proceeds to make a fool of the gt. I actually got a chance to wave at the guy in the sti and he rolled down his window and gave me a "thumbs-up".
hahah yea that was me. he had been fucking with me earlier on lville suwanee and then picked on you so i figured id embarass him for picking on the best car maker ever. lmao.
If I had it to do over again.....I would have roasted his ass there at the redlight @ taylor rd. I'd been gone before he'd even hit 2nd gear......that guy really looked like a super-fag!!!:rofl:
Could have been me. check the pics. <edit> after reading the rest of the posts in the forum Im positive that was me. Do you have "year one" on the back of your wagon? that thing is mean.
Yes sir...that's me...the one and only....NICE WAGON!!! Love the color contrast!!! Hope to see you around again!