Was up at Lenox Plaza today and saw two WRX's in the parking lot. A silver one and than black with what looked like a Russian tag on it. Funny thing, I parked way out by myself at the edge of the lot. When I came out to my car later, there was a new convertible Lambo parked right next to me.
that car was at SOG like 8 or so months ago. i wonder if they know that its GA law that once you live here for 6 months you HAVE to register your car here....?
It doesn't just have the tags, its an imported car. I saw it on Peachtree near downtown awhile back...
It doesn't if its a diplomats car, which I suspect that it is, if he is still riding around with foreign tags.
The guy and his girl.....dunno if they live here...but supposedly one of his older relatives buys a bunch of Tribecas and ships them to Russia.
Ummm, pretty sure the one I saw was a WRX, black with the clear Euro side reflectors...let me find my old thread... EDIT**** http://www.wrxatlanta.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13280&highlight=euro Now I am not sure, 90% it had an exhaust though...