Blackberry users...looking for a recommendation.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by rexrocker, Jul 13, 2005.

  1. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

    For those of you who use a Blackberry, any personal experience with either the RIM7290 or RIM7100t?
  2. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    I have a 7290. It's nice. Signal strength is pretty crappy compared to my Nokia phone.

    Have a look at the new compact Blackberries... they don't have a full keyboard but you can get a folding keyboard for $100 that works with it.
  3. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

    By the new compact BBs, do you mean the 7100 series? I go back and forth...I like the full keyboard and screen size of the 7290, but the overall size and quality of the integrated phone on the 7100t seem to be better (acc'd to reviews). I have zero personal experience with what's your take on screen size? How much web browsing do you do on the BB? Is screen size really an issue for you?

    Thanks for offering up your opinion. I appreciate it! Back to my research! :)

  4. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    We have a 7100g floating around here at work, and I got a chance to look at it. I really don't see the minor reduction in screen real estate being an issue. As long as you don't plan on doing a lot of emails and such, it's probably the best approach.

    I thought I'd be doing some web browsing, but even the 7290 screen is pretty small, and browsing is sloooooooow. WAP sites work great (I use the E*Trade one which rocks), and it's handy to have a browser to look something up when you're out.. but actively browsing just for fun? Nah, not worth it.
  5. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    I have used various nextel versions of the blackberry for three years, I am currently on the 7290 and think its the bext one yet. QWERTY rocks for me, not sure if the 7100 is a QWERTY board...I like the size of my 7290 but will agree that a slightly smaller screen may not be that big a deal . If you are going to be using it as a phone first, email/internet device second, I would go with the 7100, otherwise, get the 7290 and don't look back. :)
  6. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    The 7100 has a much nicer screen, is about the same size, a little narrower but longer. Both have the Qwerty keyboard, Bluetooth and all the newer features. The construction of the 7100 seems rather cheap. It is a poor plastic outside that just feels like it is going to break at any second. We have yet to break any of the 7100s we have here, but again it just feels cheap. If you want a good PDA, I would highly recommend the Siemens SX66. It has a hugh touchscreen display, a sliding Qwerty keyboard, bluetooth and a windows based operating system.

    Another thing I have noticed with the Blackberry is that the voice quality is awful on all thier phones. If you use the headset that helps, but it is just bad. The Siemens also has speakerphone which is great.

    What service provider do you have, if it is Cingular, I could probably get you a discount on the phone with my employee discount. Let me know if you have any questions, my job at Cingular is data support, focusing primarily on the PDAs and Aircards.
  7. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

    Thanks for the all the opinions, guys.

    Scott, the 7100t is a QWERTY-esque keyboard with SureType technology (predictive text)...basically 20 keys similar to a cellphone. The Blackberry will be most likely be email/data first, phone second. But it should still be a good phone, since I'll be on the road (GOT A NEW JOB!!!). I'll be using a Bluetooth headset (going to try and find the Motorola HS850...I hear it's hard to find), but I want to avoid having 2 cell phones (personal, business) and a Blackberry...that's way too much to hang off my belt and I might as well add a pocket protector at the same time. :)

    Jason, mucho thanks for the offer on the Cingular discount, unfortunately I don't have a choice with service since it's through my company. It will be T-mobile (puts on flame suit) and I'm also limited in my selection...the Siemens SX66 sounds awesome, but I'm offered either the 7100t or 7290. The only thing that's pushing me away from the 7100t is the QWERTY-esque keyboard...typing longer emails could be a giant pain.

    Moose, Jason and Scott...thanks again! You guys rock!

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