Blue 04 Sti Ave. de Libertadad

Discussion in 'General Community' started by shiftynick, Apr 3, 2008.

  1. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    Clean 04 STi, exhaust, not dropped, strange decals on front quarters.

    Avenue de Libertadad, Pallermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Also spotted a flat black bugeye on Gorostiaga.

    Damnit I need to get out of this country, missed two flights already, tonights doesnt look good either, stupid buddy pass... arghhh :squint:
  2. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    hmm...I think I have seen those around:squint:
  3. dontcallitarex

    dontcallitarex Active Member

    Dude I know this guy. See him on 85 all the time. :squint:

    Hehe. Good luck getting home, man.
  4. Berzerklo

    Berzerklo Active Member

    Buddy Passes blow. Well except they are cheap. Best of luck!
  5. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    when I first saw this, I was trying to figure out where the hell those roads were....:rofl:

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