Today I'm going to embark on a summer long study abroad trip. We're touching down in Paris and from there going to Florence, Rome, Venice, Budapest, Prague, Berlin, Brussels, and Oxford. In Oxford we're going to be taking classes at the university and we get long weekends. So I'm likely going to be traveling to London, Barcelona, Dublin, Scotland, and Amsterdam on these weekends. I imagine that until the Oxford portion of the trip I won't really be doing much internet surfing (and even then probably not a whole lot). So I just wanted to wish everyone a great summer , and let you know why I'm not going to be doing a whole lot of posting. I'll see you in August PS, I'm going to miss driving my suby something fierce. :wtc:
It's through Georgia Tech. It's just called the Oxford program. Oh and I forgot to mention it in the first post. I'm effing stoked
Dude that's awesome. Probly the only regret I have is not doing a study abroad trip when I had the financial aid lined up a few years ago. I wanna go to Europe more than anything. In the meantime, I can keep your suby warm for you!
All the money I had set aside to go to college, I cashed it in and took 3 trips to Europe..... I don't regret it one bit, and in fact my wife keeps trying to convince me that we should move to London Have fun man, be safe..... and take lots of pictures.....
I know a girl, Sarah, who is doing that trip this summer too. Everyone I know who's done it (including this guy ^^^) absolutely loved it. Have fun dude!
My school has this program and I regret I did not showit much interest in the past years. Unfortunately I will be graduating this summer so won't be able to make it.
Hit me up on aim sometime or pms and I can tell you some good bars/ restaurants in Dublin, Oxford, Brussels, Paris, etc. I've got pretty extensive travel experience over there. I've got a really kickass fondu restaurant in Paris that you should check out if you've got some money to spend, highlight of my trip over there. I just got back from Dublin 2 weeks ago, definately check out the Guinness Brewery and Jameson distillery. I heard the old prison/hospital there is great, lots of IRA history. I can also direct you to a bar over there thats run by an ex-IRA terrorist who had great stories to tell from those times. Same thing with a couple of other good bars/clubs downtown. There's a really good reggae bar we ran upon if you're down for that kinda crowd. Drink some scotch for me in Scotland, its a beautiful country but I've only been over there with family so I cant tell you fun places to go. I'm jealous about Prague, I've always wanted to go but just lost flight benefits from Delta when I turned 23 last week. And if I can recommend anything to you, get a AAA card and find out what hostels and restaurants will give you discounts. The exchange rate blows and any discount will help you out a lot.