Just a quick question.. I keep hearing about the computer limiting boost in 1st and 2nd. Is this true, and if so, what are the #s? I'm seeing the same boost in 2nd as in 3rd/4th so just curious what the official word is...
Retune should fix that. Also keep in mind that at lower gears there isnt enough physical load on the motor so it creates less boost.
On a stock WRX 1st ~ 7psi 2nd ~ 10psi 3rd-5th ~ 13.5psi thats what I found out when I was looking around on NASIOC.
Well it will vary from car to car and day to day. Getting full boost in 2nd is new to me. Do you have any mods?
Its also possible they changed something in the 05 ECU. But yeah that is odd. Even on cold nights when I had my gauge installed I never got over 11 in 2nd. I would hit 14-14.5 in 3rd and up though. You gotta love cold weather. You probally have a factory freak.
Wow, 8? I have to look closer, but I think I hit around 11 in 1st, 14 in 2nd, then 14-14.5 in the other gears... I thought maybe it was a spike in 2nd but it holds it until near redline.
I might be off on my numbers, but I think I was pretty close to that. I have never paid attention to first gear since the reflash, but I know that Second on I hit 18.5 psi till around 6000 RPM, then it starts tappering off to 11 I think at redline.
My car is hitting alittle over 15 acrding to my datalog, with no engine mang.:dunno I geuss im just lucky
Just curious: how did numbers change after the DP/UP? Full boost much earlier, and did the max boost change much?
I have not data logged it since the up,dp,yp but it feels much more responsive. My throttle response is alot better and it pulls harder through out the entire rev band. You can tell it is spulling faster and the turbo is alot louder. it is wourth ever penny I spent:bigthumb:
glad to see you are enjoying it man!! wait till you get your DP installed..thats when you will really be able to feel some power!!
I wish the stock ecu had gear specific boost. Unfortunately it does not. The only limiter on per gear boost is the lack of load in first and second. SS