So for those of us interested in hitting up C&O this weekend prior to the Matt Murdock charity event at On the Border, are there any plans to meet up in a particular location? For anyone whose been there before, is there a Subie section, or something impromptu? The April thread indicated that there was an "Impromptu Subaru location between the lot in front of Borders/Theater by the trees". Not sure exactly where that would be considering OTB is down the street - maybe he meant Chili's? Anyway, if someone was there last time, pipe up and lets figure out where to get together!
there's no sectioning in the show. you have to get there stupid early to get a parking spot...I think I'm gonna park across the street and walk over..last time was just too many damn people
The 'designated spot' was a row of spots that bixs and I happened to actually be able to park at maybe twice in a row, but it's gotten so crowded especially with all this great weather I think its going to be impossible to get many of us lined up.
Ah ok, well that answers that then. Guess I'll see you guys there, and call whoever I have numbers for to find ya.
A few people are leaving from TopSpeed around 6:30. Anyone that wants to leave with us is welcome to join
man thats early haha.. when does it end usually? i got soccer in the morning so i`m planning on leaving at around noon
I'll be there with an 08' STi charcoal and 10' WRX WRB hatch. Hopefully that is...tearing out the camera system and working on a new setup.
Definitely bring it man. I want to see this setup we've heard so much about recently. Sent from my LS670 using Tapatalk
hmm well if I make it out ill be in my wonderful stock 01 Forester thats fast enuf to outrun a yugo.. snicker
Probably won't be anything in it as I'm installing a new audio system. Oooooo, I need some sort of camera system as I'm paranoid....Heheheheheh.
Negative, I wish...sorry meant to say that several of my co-workers will be heading up there with those cars. I'll be in my ol' 05' STi beater.
Mine was behind Barnes and Noble in that back parking lot in the first row. We got there a little late.
This was my first C&O and had a good time. Sooo many cars. It still always makes me laugh when people lift their hood and really the car would look better without showing people that mess.
according to their site, it's been canceled for this month due to the holiday weekend. That also will give more time to go through the proper channels of setting up a proper venue for the future.
we've been going there since January of this year. But it was far too populated, and a few immature guests ruined it. The owners of the property asked us to leave. Plan to start seeing more vendors selling stuff at the new venue. It's going to cost money (hopefully not to attend, but if so then it should be cheap) as there will have to be insurance costs, and to help pay for security and whatnot.