Can anyone recommend a good map book?

Discussion in 'General Community' started by cMags, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. cMags

    cMags Member

    So I've just moved to Marietta, off Powder Springs road near Barrett. Got here on Wednesday, had a little get-together on Friday which a couple folks from the forum were nice enough to grace with their presence (thanks again btw).

    Sometime after they left (I guess since I discovered it the following morning), my car was broken into and my 7" LCD VGA monitor for my CarPC was stolen. It seems the thieves hit the whole neighborhood. Nice way to meet the neighbors. My primary use for my CarPC is navigation, then music. Fortunately they didn't get the PC or any of the IBM equipment in the wagon's cargo hatch, but it still really sucks. Useless filing a claim w/ home-owners since its less than the deductible.

    So now I'm stuck w/o my GPS in a brand new state, having no clue how to get anywhere. Google Maps are good, but I gotta be at my PC to print out new ones every time I need to hit up a new store (I've now found Home Depot, Lowes, Kroger, Walmart, and Trader Joes). Having just moved, funds are short for picking up a new $350 touchpanel monitor.

    It was quite the "welcome to the neighborhood", I must say.

    So, can anyone recommend a good map book?

  2. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    While at Georgia tech my husband (then my bf) had his civic hatch broken into no less then three or four times over 2 to 3 years. Welcome to the atlanta metro area. We try to be pretty anal with tucking Ipods, phones, radio covers away when we leave our cars because it's an unfortunate problem in Atlanta. I'd just use print outs from google or randmcnally.
  3. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    omg that sucks! and that had to of happened after we left cause we didnt notice anything on the way out. but then again when our car was vandalized we didnt notice it till the next morning. i would use mapquest or google for now until you can either get it back or get a new one. cobb county is pretty easy to navigate.

    again man that sucks.
  4. Shewb

    Shewb Member

    I don't have any maps to recommend. It's been my experience that Mapquest and Google maps are not very accurate in this area. I grew up in that area so let me know if I can help.
  5. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    mapquest and google are now, but yea if you want the best way to go seriously call someone who grew up there. you can get a map at like any office supply store or gas station too ... forgot about those. certain cellphone are gps capable too
  6. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    my dad buys the delorme map books from walmart i think. they more or less focus on elevation than sites. but they do have all the major roads. not sure how much they run but he does have one for just about every state.
  7. cMags

    cMags Member

    Thanks for the concern guys.. I'm definitely going to have to pick up some map books for my wife and I. She tutors, and will need directions to clients houses.

    Up in Boston, we had these Boston Metro areas and Eastern Mass map books which were street level for all cities (usually a page or two per city) which were pretty good. That's how I got around in the pre-GPS days. Usually cost between $15 and $20. I heard that Borders may carry them. I used to pick mine up cheap at BJ's. Are there any of those around?

    Even better, does anyone have a 7" VGA touchpanel from a carPC that they're looking to sell? :lol:
  8. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    yes! there is one right down the street from you guys! turn right on powder springs then left onto the eat west connector and its down on the right. cant miss it.
  9. SubiNoobi

    SubiNoobi Supporting Member

    I use state maps by DeLorme, they make a separate book for each state. These are big and a little cumbersome, BUT they show ALL of the roads, even small forest roads. If you are good with maps, I would highly recommend it.

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